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5 July 2016 – 18 July 2016
IaaC NEW YORK Global Summer School HYPER CITIES
Terreform ONE - Brooklyn Navy Yard, New York
• Institute for advanced architecture of Catalonia
• New Lab
• Terreform ONE
Cities are continuously produced through entropic processes that mediate between complex networked systems and the immediacy urban life. Emergent media technologies inform new relationships between information and matter, code and space to redefine new urban ecosystems.
The GSS16-NYC aims at investigating emerging forms of production of urban spaces reimagining the physical city through intelligent and mediated processes.
Through data agency and mediated urban processes, GSS16-NYC will explore the connection between the production of expanded territories and fabrication and robotic practices. Focus will be placed on the feedback mechanism between scales, investigating the continuous loop between the micro and the macro urban scale.
The city of New York will be the expanded site of exploration. Interacting, Integrating, Expanding, Networking and Hacking will be the operational categories to re-imagine future territories and urban practices. The investigations will critically reflect on the city as the shared, the common, the civic and the public enterprise. The exploration of urban scenarios will be filtered through the following categories:
• Digital and Robotic fabrication
• Material Intelligence
• Big Data and Network Systems
• Urban Robotics and Mobile Computing
• Responsive Environments
Generative design and computationally driven processes will take place throughout the program. A series of lectures from leading academics and international invited guests will construct the theoretical framework of the GSS, integrating and expanding the learning modules, with a final exhibition and promotion of the work. The GSS16-NYC will be an expanded platform of investigation with direct interaction with the other IaaC GSS nodes, and on-site and networked exchange between the participants and the invited global community.
The structure of GSS16-NYC consists in three main learning modules:
1. Concept (Urban Strategies and Technology)
2. Coding (Generative Design and Data)
3. Prototyping (Fabrication and Robotics)
The following three course modules aim towards a common objective: the fabrication of a 1:1 urban machining intervention, transferring and digitally interrelating multiple sets of data collected from hyper-connected cities.
• 1000€
NYC Coordination: Marcella Del Signore
Telephone: (+34) 93 320 95 20
• IaaC Institute webpage
• Global Summer School webpage
The Global Summer School (GSS) is a platform defined by ambitious, multiscalar investigation into the implications of emergent techniques on our planned environments.
Each year, international teams located in key cities around the globe explore a common agenda with projects that are deeply embedded in diverse local conditions.
Because of this, participants have an international laboratory to test their design hypothesis, understanding how design conclusions derived locally can be tested and evolved globally in different cities where other teams reside.
This intensive two week course connects each participant to ongoing research agendas in robotics, simulation, physical computing, parametric design, digital fabrication, and other relevant emerging design methodologies. Specific emphasis is placed on understanding the multiscalar implications of design conclusions, thus creating critical research advanced on the application of new technologies in design.
Event schedule:
- Start: 07-05-2016
- End: 07-18-2016.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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