revelation infrastructures call for articles urban design sprawl knowledge premi tesi di dottorato competition representation populations technology surveys & analyses historic centers planning urban theory land use città storica habitability local development architecture commerce design urban policies scenarios social capital
19 June 2013 – 21 June 2013
International Conference New Urban Languages: Re-Imaging the City after the Knowledge-Based Turn (CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSED)
Milan, Italy
DEADLINE | 16.03.2013
Politecnico di Milano
School of Architecture
DAStU | Department of Architecture and Urban Studies
This conference aims at exploring the multiple, innovative ways which are and can be used to describe and analyze contemporary cities, with peculiar attention granted to the role of new media (web 3.0, geo-social networks, etc…). These virtual environments, in fact, generate collective, self-organized and informal sources of knowledge, which cover international urban networks and highly impact on our understanding of urban spatiality in the 21st century. The different languages used to describe cities have become, in this perspective, interpretive instruments, meta-projectual tools and, at the same time, vehicles to share images of urban landscapes.
The main questions we would like to consider in this international conference are: How can we give visibility to the new forms of interactions between citizens and urban spaces? How do we interpret the extensive quantity of random data coming from the virtual traces we leave on a daily basis through cities? How can we create a dialogue between opposed physical and geographical identities belonging to the same metropolitan region?
This event will allow us to show samples of how the major contemporary cities are studied, analyzed and represented, through a highly interdisciplinary perspective, fostering the dialogue between geography, architecture, spatial semiotics and urban studies.
1. Representation and Perceptions of the Changing City
Rethinking the relationship between perception and representation can mean re-examine the fundamentals that bind urban landscapes with the universe of images created to interpret, understand, communicate cities.
2. Visualizing the Past, Imagining the Future
Try to interpret the urban phenomenon means, first of all, facing with the times of the past and projections of the future.
3. ICT: Sharing Visions of the City
This theme explores the relationship and role that digital media can have in the representation and experience of urban spaces and places.
4. New Urban Metaphors
As pointed out by some of the most interesting contemporary studies define urban complexity and make it visible and clear means trying new epistemological strategies.
Authors are invited to send their applications to:
4.03.2013 | Abstract Submission
4.04.2013 | Notification of acceptance
4.04.2013 | Registration Open
4.05.2013 | Registration Closed
4.05.2013 | Full Paper submission
5.06.2013 | Submission of revised versions of accepted papers
• Matteo Bolocan Goldstein | Politecnico di Milano
• Bertrando Bonfantini | Politecnico di Milano
• Malvina Borgherini | Università IUAV di Venezia
• Antonella Contin | Politecnico di Milano
• Andrea Giordano | Università di Padova
• Sofia Morgado | Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
• Paola Pucci | Politecnico di Milano
• Rossella Salerno | Politecnico di Milano
• Daniele Villa | Politecnico di Milano
• Kathrin Willis | Plymouth Univerity
• Franck Ekardt | Bauhaus University, Weimar
• Ola Söderström | Université de Neuchâtel
• Francesca Governa | Politecnico di Torino
• Livio Sacchi | Università di Pescara
Conference Website
TEL | +39 02 2399 9389
Event schedule:
- Start: 06-19-2013
- End: 06-21-2013.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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