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4 October 2010 – 8 October 2010

2010 International Metropolis Conference - The Hague

[i]The International Metropolis Project[/i] 4 - 8 October 2010 The Hague The International Metropolis Project is an international network of researchers, policy officials and NGOs sharing a common vision of enhancing migration and diversity policy by applying empirical social science research. Now the world's largest such network, it is perhaps best known for its major annual conferences, the next of which takes place in The Hague, 4 - 8 October 2010. Each conference attracts between 800 and 1000 delegates for high-level plenary sessions, a comprehensive study tour programme and more than 60 concurrent workshops. The conferences are an opportunity for delegates – both expert and novice – to discuss critical issues, identify research and policy gaps, compare international experiences and build the Metropolis network. The 2010 International Metropolis Conference will be of interest to policy makers, administrators and representatives from non-governmental organisations (NGOs) as well as academic researchers. I would like to draw your attention to the Call for Workshop Proposals, and invite you to submit a proposal of your own. The deadline is April 1 for the Workshop proposals. The proposals will be adjudicated according to the strength of the proposal, best fit with conference themes, and representation of a broad range of perspectives from various countries. Workshops must have participation by representatives from more than one sector (academic, government/policy, and NGO/community). Workshops that do not meet this criteria will not be included. Metropolis is actively encouraging participation from Asian and African countries, and encourages workshops that address gender aspects of migration and diversity. Please read the attached calls carefully. Additional information can be found on the conference website ( This conference is an excellent opportunity to showcase your own research to a wide and diverse public, to exchange empirical data and theoretical ideas, to extend your network, and to prepare international publications.

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-04-2010
  • End: 10-08-2010.