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29 April 2009 – 30 November 1999

2010 IPHS book prizes - Germany

[i]Call for nominations[/i] The International Planning History Society (IPHS) endeavours to foster the study of planning history worldwide. It seeks to advance scholarship in the fields of urbanism, history, planning and the environment, encourages interdisciplinary research used with an historical perspective. At the 2010 IPHS conference in Istanbul two prizes will be awarded: The two most innovative books in planning history written in English and based on original new research. Books must have been published in the previous two calendar years (2008-2009). Books may be written individually or joint-authored. Anthologies and edited works are also welcome, but reprints and “readers” are ineligible. The prize for each award is $ 250,-. The prizes will be awarded at the 14th IPHS conference in Istanbul in July 2010. Winners will be informed in January 2010 to facilitate participation at the conference. Nominations are invited from scholars and publishers. Nominations will comprise a 400 word statement, a short CV of the author(s), and 5 copies of the nominated book. (These materials will not be returned). [b]The deadline for receipt of submissions for the next prize is 31 November 2009.[/b] Nomination materials should be sent (if possible earlier) to: Prof. Dr. Dirk Schubert, HafenCity University, 22085 Hamburg, Winterhuder Weg 31, Germany. Further information about the prize can be obtained from Dirk Schubert (Tel. +49- 40-428274513, E-mail:[][/url] ).

Event schedule:

  • Start: 04-29-2009
  • End: 11-30-1999.