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15 January 2010 – 31 March 2010

La metamorfosi - Ideas contest in Turin

[i]Ideas contest[/i] An International Contest to Design the Future of the Northern Part of Turin Turin Council announces a public open Competition of ideas, called “La Metamorfosi”, aimed at renovating the northern and north-eastern areas of the town involved in the building of underground Line 2. The Awarding Authority is using the instrument of the Competition of ideas in the conviction that this modality is the most effective and transparent way to collect quality suggestions. The in-depth examination will focus on the functional transformations and landscape and environment renovations of the zones involved divided into three territorial areas which will be crossed by the new infrastructure: - Area 1 Spina 4 - Area 2 Sempione – Gottardo ex trincea ferroviaria - Area 3 Scalo Vanchiglia This public Competition aims also at acquiring intervention strategies of wide areas, through master plan schemes showing projects which are functional both to the urban and environment renovation of the above listed areas and to their qualified connection to the surrounding territory. The present Competition of ideas, in form of an open Competition, is organized in one single phase and anonymously. The Competition refers to three different Areas of study; each Area is freestanding. Every participant, either individual or group, can freely compete in all desired areas. The registration for the Competition is mandatory and must be effectuated through the appropriate registration form which can be downloaded on the web page of the Competition, on the website The registration fee is Euro 100,00 for the competition in one Area and Euro 150,00 for the competition in two or more Areas. Registration firm and evidence of payment must be sent via e-mail to the Contest Secretariat [url=][/url] [b]by 12,00 am on 31st March 2010.[/b] For more information visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 01-15-2010
  • End: 03-31-2010.