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12 May 2010 – 14 May 2010

Landscape Legacy

[i]Landscape Architecture and Planning between Art and Science [/i] Maastricht, the Netherlands, 12-14 May 2010 The conference program includes oral and poster presentations and conference tours. Facilities will be provided for technical presentations including video and LCD projections for PC. The abstracts will be published in an abstract book, and the full papers at an accompanying CD-ROM. The official language of the Conference will be English. Below you will find information about the general program, the plenary session on Wednesday 12 May, the keynote speakers and the conference tours on Thursday 13 May. The program for oral presentations includes 202 presentations, and the poster session includes 14 posters. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-12-2010
  • End: 05-14-2010.