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18 January 2008 – 18 February 2008

Move Together - Competition for the Design of a Logo

[i]Competition for the Design of a Logo[/i] You are kindly invited to take part in a competition to design a logo for a citizen participation project funded by the European Commission. The project is run by a group of European organisations from six different countries. The project is called Move Together and brings together one citizen from each of the 27 EU Member States to discuss EU research on urban sustainable transport and its implications for the everyday life of the citizens. The logo should include/symbolise one or more of the following aspects: •the short name MOVE TOGETHER (the full name is actually “Raising citizens awareness and appreciation of EU research on sustainable transport in the urban environment”); •(urban) transport and mobility •sustainable development (economy, environment, social); •citizens; and •Europe. The logo will be used for the project website, for dissemination material (brochures, leaflets, reports) as well as for citizen conferences and workshops. The logo should: •be clearly visible in a size of 3 x 3 centimetres; •not have too many colours; and •have a good effect on a black-and-white print-out. Please submit your logo in electronic version (low or medium resolution, preferably JPEG format, max. size 5 MB). Each person should only submit one logo. Submissions from groups are also welcome. All participants of the competition will be informed one week after the submission deadline about the results. The winner of the competition will be asked to submit her/his logo in high resolution electronic format for professional printing. [b]Prize:The winner will be rewarded with € 500.[/b] [b]Deadline for submission[/b]: Submissions by email to the address below (please include your address, email, and phone number) [b]until Monday 18 February 2008.[/b] Contact: Michael Schmidt ICCR Schottenfeldgasse 69/1, 1070 Vienna E-mail: [][/url]

Event schedule:

  • Start: 01-18-2008
  • End: 02-18-2008.