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13 April 2010 – 23 May 2010

New City’10: City And Roads

[i]The Second International Forum of Design and Architecture [/i] Togliatti, Russia, May 20th-23rd, 2010 The NEW CITY 2010 forum is organized jointly by Design Department of Togliatti State University and Union of Architects of Russia with the support of Samara Region government, Togliatti Mayor's Office, Charity Foundation "Foundation Togliatti", International Association "Union of Designers". NEW CITY presents the unique experiences of local and international development councils and urban infrastructure programs aimed to support and develop professional societies. The forum includes round tables, debates, lectures, master classes and exhibitions. The Forum's aim is to create conditions for effective use of architecture and design in the process of social and economic development of the cities and to increase their attractiveness for investment. The discussion will cover the modern city issues requiring special attention of state and city administrations, as well as that of design and architecture professionals. These include: " Overpopulation of historical and industrial centers, and the consequential collapse of their transportation infrastructure; " Ecological safety of cities and their adjacent territories; " Need for major city traffic and communication center constructional and engineering modernization; " Urban residents and private & public transport; " Alternative transport facilities and systems; " Technological innovations and prospects. Papers, reports, and presentations submissions are welcome on a wide range of topics, such as: " Modern administration technologies " modern strategies in a city development; " types of private and governmental partnership; " architecture and design as tools of a city development; " public expectations of a competitive architecture and design product. " City in the transport communication system " architecture and transport infrastructure; " transport design and alternative transport systems; " visual communication and advertising chaos in a city " organization of effective communication between architects, designers, engineers and city administration, mass media and business community; " ecopolis instead of megapolis - technological innovations, prospects. " Design and economy " design as the major strategic resource of a company: innovations, creativity, design strategies; " consumption culture transformation: consumer as a member of every business process of a company; " "Designthinking": new design approaches to understanding the consumer; " implantation of design into business, governmental bodies and society; " design for small and medium scale business. Submission procedure Please submit application forms and papers for publication to [][/url] or [][/url] . " Publication requirements: " Volume: up to 6 pages " Format: MS Word " Font: Times New Roman, 12pt. " Paragraph : 10mm. " Margins: top, bottom - 20mm, left - 30mm, right - 10mm. " Singe line spacing. " Pictures, schemes should be provided in additional file in tiff, jpg format (the minimum resolution is 150 dpi) and should also be inserted into the original text. [b]Deadline for submission of application form and full text of papers - April 30, 2010. The papers will be published in the forum proceedings. [/b] Registration fee and hotel accommodation International participants of the Forum will not be charged a registration fee. Cost of accommodation will depend on a hotel type and vary from タ30 to タ80. Visit the official site: http:̸̸

Event schedule:

  • Start: 04-13-2010
  • End: 05-23-2010.