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9 December 2008

New Papers On Play, Participation, Schools And Neighborhoods

The Children, Youth and Environments Journal has just published 11 new papers on play, schools, neighborhood environments, and participatory community development with contributions from the US, Canada, Sweden, Turkey and Tanzania. The Table of Contents follows below. The new issue - which also includes a photo essay, book reviews, and a ranking of the 50 most downloaded articles - is available on You can recommend the CYE journal to your library, using the form on: Volume 18, no. 2 (Winter, 2008) ISSN 1546-2250 TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgement of Reviewers Top 50 Articles, Reader Access and Appeal for Support ARTICLES Adolescents' Perspectives of Home, School and Neighborhood Environmental Influences on Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviors Patricia Tucker, Jennifer D. Irwin, Jason Gilliland and Meizi He ________________________________________ Effects of Play Equipment and Loose Parts on Preschool Children's Outdoor Play Behavior: An Observational Study and Design Intervention Lorraine E. Maxwell, Mari R. Mitchell and Gary W. Evans ________________________________________ Perspectives from the Ground: Early Childhood Educators' Perceptions of Outdoor Play Spaces at Child Care Centers Susan Herrington ________________________________________ Children's Perspectives on Public Playgrounds in Two Swedish Communities Mrit Jansson ________________________________________ Using Children's GIS Maps to Influence Town Planning Ulla Berglund ________________________________________ Teacher Environmental Competence in Elementary School Environments Jeffery A. Lackney ________________________________________ Neighborhood Design and Children's Outdoor Play: Evidence from Northern California Susan Handy, Xinyu Cao and Patricia Mokhtarian REPORTS FROM THE FIELD "It's Kind of Fun to Do the Impossible": The Story of Milwaukee's Urban Ecology Center Ken Leinbach ________________________________________ Makkala Panchayats: Institutionalization of Children's Participation in Local Decision-Making Anirban Pal ________________________________________ Traditional Children's Games in Tanzania Rhonda Clements, Margareth Messanga and Anna-Marie Millbank ________________________________________ Shane's Inspiration: An Assessment of a Playground for Children Living with and without Disabilities Gergana Kodjebacheva PHOTO ESSAY The Peace Mural: A PARTicipatory Project between Children from Chios, Greece and Izmir, Turkey Deniz Hasirci BOOK REVIEWS Design for Kids by Sharon and Peter Exley Reviewed by Debra Flanders Cushing Authors' Response ________________________________________ Taking Action, Saving Lives: Our Duties to Protect Environmental and Public Health by Tim Kristin Shrader-Frechette Reviewed by Lorne Platt Author's Response ________________________________________ Learning Race and Ethnicity: Youth and Digital Media by Anna Everett, ed. Reviewed by Vicki E. Bennett ________________________________________ Designing Outdoor Environments for Children: Landscaping Schoolyards, Gardens and Playgrounds by Lolly Tai, Mary Taylor Haque, Gina McLellan, and Erin Jordan Knight Reviewed by Marcia Eames-Sheavly ________________________________________ Suitcase Stories: Refugee Children Reclaim Their Identities by Glynis Clacherty with The Suitcase Storytellers and Diane Welvering Reviewed by Christina Clark-Kazak ________________________________________ Schools and Kindergartens: A Design Manual by Mark Dudek Reviewed by Matthew Jelacic ________________________________________ The Language of School Design: Design Patterns for 21st Century Schools by Prakash Nair and Randall Fielding Reviewed by Matthew Jelacic ________________________________________ Kids, Cameras, and the Curriculum by Pat Barrett Dragan Reviewed by Tamar van Vliet-- OTHER BOOKS OF NOTE Biophilic Design: The Theory, Science, and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life by Stephen R. Kellert, Judith H. Heerwagen and Martin L. Mador, eds. Reviewed by Louise Chawla ________________________________________ Several Perspectives on Children's Play: Scientific Reflections for Practitioners by Tom Jambor and Jan Van Gils, eds. Reviewed by Louise Chawla ________________________________________ The Inclusive City: Design Solutions for Buildings, Neighborhoods and Urban Spaces by Susan Goltsman and Daniel Iacofano, eds. Reviewed by Louise Chawla ________________________________________ Revolutionizing Education: Youth Participatory Action Research in Motion by Julio Cammarota and Michelle Fine, eds. Reviewed by Louise Chawla ________________________________________ Handbook on Animal-Assisted Therapy: Theoretical Foundations and Guidelines for Practice by Aubrey H. Fine Reviewed by Louise Chawla ________________________________________ Open Space: People Space by Catharine Ward Thompson and Penny Travlou, eds. Reviewed by Patsy Eubanks Owens ________________________________________ Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder (Revised Edition 2008) by Richard Louv Reviewed by Rebecca Colbert ________________________________________ Promoting Children's Wellbeing: Policy and Practice by Janet Collins and Pam Foley, eds. Reviewed by Bambi Yost

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-09-2008
  • End: 12-09-2008.