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12 November 2008 – 16 November 2008

Norwegian Wood Conference

[i]Modern sustainable timber architecture[/i] 12 16 November Stavanger is arranged by NAL| ECOBOX. The conference aims to present the results of Norwegian Wood, and discuss these in light of international standards for modern, sustainable timber architecture, and of the traditional timber architecture of the Stavanger region. Main Conference / Hovedkonferanse 13 November 0830-1800 The theme for the main conference is Norwegian Wood and modern sustainable timber architecture. We aim to inspire, review, evaluate, discuss and critically reflect over the achievements that have been made in relation to the targets which were set with regard to international standards for modern sustainable timber constructions. The main conference will be in English. Thematic Seminars / Fagseminarer 14 November at 0900-1200/1400-1700 Six parallel seminars will discuss the Norwegian Wood building projects in relation to the themes of: innovative use of timber, environmental materials specification, energy efficient solutions, accessible design, the Norwegian Wood criteria, and the development of the timber city. Two of the thematic seminars will be translated into English if needed. Exhibitions / Utstillinger 12 November - 20 December 2008. The exhibition opens 12 November at 18:00 The exhibition provides a comprehensive presentation of the projects, focusing on both process and actual results, and highlighting the over-arching Norwegian Wood quality criteria of accessible design, innovative use of timber, energy efficiency and the use of environmentally friendly materials. The exhibition is collaboration between Norwegian Wood and the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design. Excursions and guided tours / Befaringer og byvandringer 12 - 16 November The Norwegian Wood conference will include excursions and visits to the Norwegian Wood construction projects, some of which are finished and some still under construction. Tours will also be organized to historical wooden districts of Stavanger along with excursions to other wooden areas of the Stavanger region. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-12-2008
  • End: 11-16-2008.