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4 June 2009

On the Societal Integration of Ports

[i]Espo award - first edition- 2009[/i] Brussels The erosion of public support for seaports has only recently been recognised as an issue that needs attention from port management. Competition for land use, negative externalities of port operations as well as safety and security concerns have over the last few decades contributed to a negative public image of many ports. This has been reinforced by the fact that ports in many cases moved out of sight of citizens. Ports are at best acknowledged as a necessary evil, but more often the general public and policy makers alike ignore the fundamental contributions ports make to the economy and society. The result is that ports often stand alone, without allies, when they run into opposition to their development. Embracing co-habitation and dialogue with cities and local communities is for many port authorities a difficult learning process since it often seems to be a distraction from the commercial rationale of port operations. Moreover the distance between ports and cities has in many cases been widened through processes of globalisation and corporatisation of port authorities. ESPO is convinced that the economic function of ports can only be sustained in the longer run if the societal function is taken seriously. The European Commission has also recognised the need to establish better dialogue between ports and cities as a priority area in both its maritime and ports policies. It is in this context that ESPO has taken the initiative to give out an annual Award to promote innovative projects of European port authorities that develop co-operative synergies with cities, improve the quality and accessibility of port areas and generally promote a positive image of the port as a place to experience, live and work. CALL FOR PROPOSALS European port authorities interested to apply for the ESPO 2009 Award are invited to [b]submit a documented application by 15 June 2009[/b]. The applications will be evaluated by an international jury of experts chaired by John B Richardson, Former Head of the European Commission’s Maritime Policy Task Force and currently Special Advisor to FIPRA International. The winner of the ESPO 2009 Award will be announced during a ceremony which will be held at the Town Hall of Brussels on 4 November 2009. Details on participation and selection criteria as well as application forms can be downloaded from:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-04-2009
  • End: 06-04-2009.