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26 June 2009

Pari(s). Comprendre, amenager et gouverner la ville contemporaine - Milano

[i]Séminaire international organisé par Valeria Fedeli[/i] 26th June 2009 AULA ROGERS I Facoltà di Architettura e Società Politecnico di MilanoI Via Ampére 2, 20133 Milano PhD School in SPATIAL PLANNING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT The initiative « Le Grand Pari(s) de l’Agglomération Parisienne» launched by the French Ministry of Culture at the beginning of 2007 has added new further materials to that rich laboratory of reflection on the contemporary city which Paris and the Île-de-France Region constitute since, at least, one decade. Several initiatives, in fact, since 2000, have contributed to renew the discussion on the Paris urban region, questioning the ongoing urban transformations, in order to understand describe, plan, govern, social, territorial, economic and political changes. It is a discussion which has ancient roots: “the exceptionality”, in negative, of Paris, capital-city, has constituted the background of a consistent local delay, up to the recent past, with regard to the innovation introduced and experienced- at national level- by a series of laws on decentralization and “democracy of proximity”. Today the slow and negotiated process of experimentation of forms of metropolitan governance and projects of cooperation fostered by the city of Paris, the new elaboration and adoption of the new SDRIF (Schema directeur de l’Île-de-France) by the Île-de-France Region; the diffusion of forms of intermunicipal cooperation; a number of initiatives launched by the central state and its dedicated agencies (DIACT, Secretariat d’Etat); the studies and research projects produced by the most relevant universities and local institutes of urban and territorial studies (IAU-APUR), are feeding a new season of studies and debates, which make Paris a context, again, but in other terms, “exceptional”. The seminar aims at offering a space for discussion and confrontation between the different visions and hypothesis which feed the Paris chantier, with the general objective of reasoning on the challenges (paris) which the contemporary city proposes to those who live it and to those who are interested in understanding, describing, designing-planning, governing it. MORNING 9.30-9.45 Opening prof. Alessandro Balducci Director PhD SPUD, Politecnico di Milano 9.45-10.15 Introduction, Valeria Fedeli PARI(S). COMPRENDRE, AMENAGER ET GOUVERNER LA VILLE CONTEMPORAINE. Researcher DIAP, Politecnico di Milano 10.15-11.00 Eliane Dutarte DIACT- Conseillère auprès du délégué interministériel pour l’aménagement et la compétitivité des territoires LE BASSIN PARISIEN, AIRE METROPOLITAINE DE PARIS 11.00-11.15 Pause café 11.15-12.00 Pierre Mansat Adjoint au Maire de la Ville de Paris, chargé de "Paris métropole" et des relations avec les Collectivités Territoriales d'Ile-de-France PARIS METROPOLE, LES DEFIS DE LA GOUVERNANCE METROPOLITAINE 12.00-12.45 Prof. Pierre Veltz Ex directeur de la mission région capitale au Secrétariat d'Etat pour le développement de la région capitale, Délégué ministériel pour le développement du Plateau de Saclay LE GRAND PARI(s) DE L’AGGLOMERATION PARISIENNE: UN PERSPECTIVE SUR LA CONSULTATION INTERNATIONALE 12.45-13.00 Conclusion of the morning, V. Fedeli 13.00-14.00 Lunch break AFTERNOON 14.00-16.45 Round Table, Coordinated by prof. A. Balducci Francis Rol-Tanguy Director APUR, Atelier Parisienne d’Urbanisme Prof. Daniel BEHAR Cabinet ACADIE, Institut d’Urbanisme de Paris, Université Paris 12 Val de Marne Prof. Olivier Mongin Director Revue ESPRIT Prof. Christian Lefèvre Professor Université de Paris 8, Chercheur au LATTS Prof. Bruno Dente Professor Politecnico di Milano Prof. Patrizia Gabellini Director Dipartimento di Architettura e Pianificazione, Professor Politecnico di Milano 16.45-17.00 Conclusions, V. Fedeli Informations : [][/url] DIAP, +39.02.23995531

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-26-2009
  • End: 06-26-2009.