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13 May 2010 – 25 May 2010

Ph.D. Degree 26th cycle 2010

DiAP DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE AND PLANNING, Milan dipartimento di architettura e pianificazione [b]Expiring date: May 25 2010[/b] - Territorial design and government (gpt) - Urban and architectural design (pau) - Preservation of architectural heritage (cba) - Spatial planning and urban development (spud) The Diap Phd Programs The Ph.D. degree is the highest academic degree awarded. The Doctoral Programs at Milan Polytechnic aim to provide researchers with qualified tools and skills to carry out high level research in universities, public bodies, international institutions, private and service companies. The Department of Architecture and Planning (Diap) is a big Italian interdisciplinary research centre, recognized for its high level research and training activities in the fields of architecture, urban planning, regional and environmental development, preservation of cultural and historic heritage and architectural design. The Diap directly promotes the admission to the XXVI cycle of his 4 doctoral programs in: [b]Territorial Design And Government (Gpt)[/b] Objectives • The formative program assumes that many planners address territorial change not only from a regulatory position, but also proposing and managing actual projects and policies at different scales. • The Phd program is aimed at the improvement of the cultural understanding and the technical toolbox for a proactive planning process able to interpret and master the economical, social, and jurisdictional dimensions of territorial projects and policies for a sustainable built environment. • The interrelation between urban design and projects evaluation, environmental and landscape planning, together with urban governance and real estate development are the foci of the research projects involving the faculty and the Phd students. Chair Prof. Fausto Curti / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url] Tutor Eugenio Morello / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url] - Massimiliano Innocenti / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url] Website N. of Scholarships: 3 [b]Urban And Architectural Design (Pau) [/b]Objectives • To promote studies and research on the theoretical, methodological and operational reconstruction, through the proliferation of theoretical concepts and field experiments, focusing on the relation between theoretical practice and operational practice in architectural and urban design; through the integration of: •To integrate the research on architectural and urban design paradigms with applied design research, as the result of a knowledge process, aimed at interpreting the contextual reasons and identifying a critical path to theoretical statements and sample thematic reference structures. • To train researchers and professionals specifically qualified, to meet the new problematic landscape and formulate appropriate responses, through the development of the theoretical methodological and operational tools required. Chair prof.ssa Ilaria Valente / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url] Website N. of Scholarships: 4 [b]Preservation Of Architectural Heritage (Cba)[/b] Objectives • To prepare operators and researchers who can make a significant impact on the practices of investigations, conserving, maintaining and managing built heritage, that is historical buildings and sites, as contemporary monuments of architecture, in both cases in constant contact with developments in studies elsewhere in Europe • To offer a broad range of courses which combine theory and practice to stimulate advances in multidisciplinary research, because the conservation of built environment founds on “transversality” of knowledge, on people able to catch the questions witch can be solved only with contribution of different disciplines. Chair prof.ssa Carolina Di Biase / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url] Tutor Laura Balboni / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url]) website N. of Scholarships: 3 [b]Spatial Planning And Urban Development (Spud)[/b] (taught in English only) Objectives • Focused upon research, the program is intended to educate planners able to establish a dialogue with the experiences of the best European and International PhD programs in planning, urban policies and design, urban studies. • The approach of the Program is inter-disciplinary and it is based upon the specific approach of Polytechnic to design and territorial analysis. The organisation of the program is based upon introductory courses, regarding methodological aspects and core themes, and upon design international workshops. Chair prof. Alessandro Balducci Tutor prof. Luca Gaeta / e-mail [url=mailto:] [/url] Website N. of Scholarships: 4

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-13-2010
  • End: 05-25-2010.