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8 September 2014 – 26 September 2014
OC INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL "Architecture for Creative Cities Piacenza towards EXPO"
Piacenza, Italy
• School of Architecture and Society, Politecnico di Milano
• Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano
• Piacenza Campus Development Center
• Piacenza National Association of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservators
• Piacenza Urban Center
The Open City International Summer School, Architecture for Creative City, Piacenza toward EXPO, with a program focusing on the topic 'from ecological landscape to architectural design', will be held in Piacenza, Italy.
Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa
The creation of the International Summer School OC - Open City oriented on the design of “open spaces” in different scales of intervention, from landscape transformation to public areas and specific architectural components is a new important initiative in post-graduate studies with an international scope. The school is open to senior undergraduate, graduate (Bachelor and Master) and doctoral students from Italian and foreign schools of architecture, engineering, design and planning. The workshop aims at maintaining an open dialogue among the different design specialties needed to face the problems arising from architectural, urban and environmental transformations, becoming a discussion forum and a brainstorming workshop where issues on the general development perspectives of contemporary habitats can be discussed. Located in the fascinating premises recovered from the former city slaughterhouse, the International Summer School OC – Open City hosts each year tens of students, tutors and teachers from the world, gathering to discuss the issues of architectural, urban and environmental design.
OC International Summer School is presenting, for 2014 and 2015 editions, an unique program starting from the main issue of creativity and looking at the 2015 Milano Expo “great event” with a constant relationship, both real and virtual. It’s an occasion for a deep discussion about contaminations between architecture and resources’ use. The theme of the International Exposition “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is becoming our fixed reference, interpreting the urban design as more and more tied with energetic issues and with sustainability. 2014 OC edition is assuming creativity and innovation as its key-words. The goal of the workshop (project lab and conferences) is to develop a concept and a project for the Expo pavilion that Piacenza is going to present during 6 months Expo ( May – October 2015) in Rho-Pero area.
The International Summer School programme includes three parts:
1. Workshop
2. Conferences
3. Critical Revisions
1. Workshop
The workshop will be conducted in workgroups, under continued supervision of tutors.
The program includes three interconnected sections:
a. Landscape
b. Urban Space
c. Architectural Design
The three sections will deal with the different design intervention scales and respectively focused on the preparation of:
a. Territorial planning master plans (including one or several specific interventions: strategic frameworks, complex nodes, infrastructural spaces), in a large and medium scale outlook;
b. Specific intervention projects (corresponding to individual cases: important public spaces, relational spaces, urban communication and representation areas), appropriately defined in their required spatial characteristics;
c. Design of characteristic architectural components, analyzed in depth in their constituting elements (basic, complementary and ancillary) at a level of detail and construction specificity, capable of implementing the qualities and values of the space.
International visiting professors:
• Auxiliadora Galvez - Esquela Técnica superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM)
• Ramon Pico | Esquela Técnica superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (ETSAS)
• Javier Lopez | Esquela Técnica superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla (ETSAS)
• Hervè Dubois | Marseille, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Marseille (ENSA)
2. Conferences
A series of conferences and round tables will be held by designers and internationally renowned scholars, with the presentation of projects and discussions on current design issues, paralelly with the basic communications held by in-house lecturers
• Luca Molinari interviews Stefano Boeri
• Aldo Grasso interviews Oscar Farinetti
• Pierluigi Panza interviews Vittorio Gregotti
Architecture Conferences:
Carmen Andriani, Aldo Aymonino, Michele Arnaboldi, Gonçalo Byrne, David Chipperfield, Cruz y Ortiz, Mauro Galantino,David Knafo, Blanca Lleò, João Nuñes, Manuel Aires Mateus, Nathalie Régnier-Kagan, Juan Domingo Santos, Patricia Viel, Lluis Vives, Cino Zucchi.
Round Tables:
Emilio Battisti, Paola Bertola, Giampiero Bosoni, Silvio Ferarri*, Ico Migliore, Gabriele Pasqui, Paolo Pileri, Gennaro Postiglione.
Parallel events Art - Architecture - Design
Nicolò Bassetti, Riccardo Blumer, Marco Ferreri, Gianfranco Neri, Maurizio Nichetti, Mosè Ricci, Giancarlo Zappoli.
Anna Barbara, Luca Basso Peressut, Chiara Bertoli, Antonella Contin, Bartolomeo Corsini, Pierre-Alain Croset, Maddalena D'Alfonso, Andrea di Franco, Luca Molinari.
3. Critical Revisions
The Summer School has foreseen three critical revisions, with the participation of an International Commission. The work conducted in the design laboratory shall undergo progress reviews with the attendance of national and international key figures in architectural culture and a final results review conducted by an International Committee.
• First critic - Sep 12th 2014
Anna Barbara, Alessandro Bianchi, Marco Bozzola, Maria Vittoria Capitanucci, Antonella Contin, Luigi Cocchiarella, Antonella COntin, Bartolomeo Corsini, Andrea Di Franco, Fabio Fusco, Andrea Gritti, Marco Mareggi, Enrique Pessoa Pereira, Sandro Rolla, Luigi Spinelli, PierAntonio Val, Dario Vanetti, Stefan Vieths.
• Second critic - Sep 19th 2014
Alberico B. Belgiojoso, Roberto Bottazzi, Marta Calzolaretti, Alessandra Capuano, Alessandra Criconia, Claudio Fazzini, Karin Hofert, Imma Forino, Hans Ibelings, Serena Maffioletti, Mario Mocchi, Elena Mussinelli, Andrea Rolando, J. M. Palerm Salazar, Andrea Sciascia, Fabrizio Spirito, Marco Trisciuoglio, Fabrizio Zanni.
• Third critic - Sep 26th 2014
Cesare Ajroldi, Roberta Amirante, Carmen Andriani , Pierre-Alain Croset, Sergio Crotti, Giangiacomo D’Ardia, Remo Dorigati, Liisa Horelli, Pasquale Miano, Marina Montuori, Corinna Morandi, Gabriele Pasqui, Nathalie Régnier-Kagan, Ferran Sagarra Trias, Roberto Spagnolo, Agata Spaziante, Laura Thermes, Marc Alewijn Visser, Luis Vives.
• Dario Zaninelli | Pro-Rector of the Piacenza Campus
• Guya Bertelli | Politecnico di Milano School of Architecture and Society
• Carlos Garcìa Vàzquez | Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilla
• Juan Carlos Dall’Asta Gutierréz | Politecnico di Milano
• Pasquale Mei | Politecnico di Milano
• Michele Roda | Politecnico di Milano
• Paola Bracchi | Politecnico di Milano
• Marco Albini | Politecnico di Milano
• Carmen Andriani | Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti- Pescara
• Michele Arnaboldi | USI Accademia d'Architettura, Mendrisio, Switzerland
• Marc Augè | French anthropologist and ethnologist, France
• Alessandro Balducci | Vice-Rector and Rector’s Delegate for internationalization at Politecnico di Milano, Italy
To see the full list of the scientific committee, go to the Summer School website
• In order to apply, students need to send the filled application form found on the registration page of the website) together with a Scientific Resume and a motivation letter ( maximum 2 pages in A4 format) by June 15th 2014. The admitted students would be communicated via e-mail by June 23rd 2014.
• The participation fee will be € 180,00 including dinner buffet. Accomodation can bearranged by the School at the rate of € 20,00 per night (bed & breakfast). Monday to friday dinners are included in the fee.
• The Summer School will issue an official certificate of participation to each student, and will admit students of the Politecnico di Milano 8 CFU to be evaluated as internship activity. For the other Schools of architecture the credits recognition is related to the regulations of each didactical secretary. The Foundation of Parma and Piacenza Architects will award three prizes to three best selected projects.
Piacenza International Summer School website
TELEPHONE | +39 0523 356789
Event schedule:
- Start: 09-08-2014
- End: 09-26-2014.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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