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18 May 2010 – 30 June 2010

Portus plus

Portus plus is the new ‘online-magazine’ of Portus, the bi-yearly magazine that has been published since 2001 in a printed version; both publications, edited by RETE (Association for the collaboration between ports and cities) will be dedicated to developing the themes in the relationship between city and port and the regeneration of urban waterfronts. In particular, exploiting the advantages of communicating on the Internet, Portus plus will become an opportunity to present original works, theoretical studies or the results of practical experiences. Portus plus will be edited twice yearly and may be consulted on the website of Rete,, in the ‘Portus Plus’ section. Anyone can participate in the selection of articles, by responding to the ‘call for papers’ in accordance with the procedures indicated in the forms. The papers submitted will be evaluated by a “Review Committee”, composed of prestigious international experts in the field, and, if they are considered worthy, will be published in the Portus plus digital magazine. Call for papers The call for papers is open to articles from the world of science, academics and culture, from experts and technicians, from contributors who operate within institutions and research centers and in general from anyone who in any position has knowledge and experience in the various disciplines that deal with the following themes: A. The contemporary port city and the new models of port-city relationships The regeneration of urban-port waterfronts B. Teaching the port city C. The Latin-American port city Some papers, upon recommendation by the Review Committee, will be published in the Portus plus digital magazine, and if deemed to be of particular interest on the printed version of Portus as well. All the papers that are published will be given an ISNN code, the international number that allows the articles to be identified within serial publications. Deadline The proposals for papers, to submit to the evaluation of the Review Committee, [b]must be sent before June 30, 2010. [/b]Language The papers may be submitted exclusively in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Italian. (for further information Portus plus

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-18-2010
  • End: 06-30-2010.