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27 November 2008 – 28 November 2008

Rural potentials for regional development

[i]Conference of the 6th Framework Programme projects TERESA and ETUDE[/i] 27th to 28th of November 2008 Vienna Conference topics Day 1 Regions engaging in rural development: The impact of policy strategies The first day of the conference centres on the policy approaches towards rural development, our “friendly alien”. The meaning of rural development for the development of a region as a whole will be discussed as well as innovative policies for future strategies on day 1. And we will try to answer the question, whether the real world needs to adapt to policy decisions or the other way round. Day 2 Regions dealing with disturbances: Resilience and diversification All regions face disturbances; they may originate from inside the region or from outside and come in the form of brief shocks or lasting stresses. A system's ability to deal with disturbances is often called “resilience”. There is a close link between resilience and diversity. Day 2 explores the relevance of the resilience concept for rural development and the relationship between resilience and rural diversification. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-27-2008
  • End: 11-28-2008.