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22 February 2008 – 22 March 2008


[i]Sustainable Communities for REnewable ENergies[/i] The SCREEN project (Sustainable Communities for REnewable ENergies) has been submitted last September under the IEE – Intelligent Energy Europe – 2007 call by Trek Consulting (Greece). The project is about the establishment of “Sustainable Energy Communities”, starting from a participatory process which should involve common citizens, entrepreneurs, bankers, public authorities, professionals, with the aim of broadening the renewable energy market and of achieving a general awareness about the rational use of energy. 21 partners have participated in the proposal, from the following EU countries: Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Romania, Spain. Download the document:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 02-22-2008
  • End: 03-22-2008.