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11 October 2018 – 12 October 2018
Transdisciplinary talks on boundaries
Towards a new lexicon
11-12 October 2018
• DAStU | Politecnico di Milano
• Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
Viale Pasubio 5, Milano (Italy)
Transdisciplinary talks on boundaries
Towards a new lexicon
The seminar affirms the need to apply transdisciplinary methods in the study of boundaries. Though this can be done in various ways, the construction of a transdisciplinary lexicon is key to facilitate a mutual understanding between researchers with different scientific backgrounds, as well as between researchers and policy makers. Furthermore, a renewed lexicon can mitigate the risk of simplifying boundaries either as purely material or social entities. Accordingly, there are reasons to expand the scope of transdisciplinary methods and languages beyond the study of international borders so as to encompass boundaries of any kind through the commonality and variability of their manifestations. Young researchers from a wide range of disciplines propose and justify the entries for the lexicon in the form of position papers intended for open discussion. The idea of the seminar stems from the thematic group “Pushing the Borders” that first gathered at Feltrinelli Camp, a two-day workshop in urban studies for researchers and practitioners from all over Europe (Milan, 16/17 February 2018).
• Chiara Brambilla
(Università degli Studi di Bergamo / Università IULM di Milano)
• Alice Buoli (Politecnico di Milano)
• Gianluca De Sanctis (Università degli Studi della Tuscia)
• Laura Di Fiore (Università di Napoli Federico II)
• Andrea Felicetti (KU Leuven)
• Rossella Ferorelli (SMALL)
• Alessandro Frigerio (Politecnico di Milano)
• Luca Gaeta (Politecnico di Milano)
• Cristina Mattiucci (Università di Trento)
• Paolo Patelli (Design Academy Eindhoven)
• Luca Pirisi (ProPositivo)
• Micol Rispoli (Università di Napoli Federico II)
• Giulia Scotto (University of Basel)
→ Thursday, 11 October
10:00 am ‒ opening
10:15 ‒ first round of presentations
12:15 ‒ open discussion
1:30 pm ‒ lunch
3:00 ‒ second round of presentations
5:00 ‒ open discussion
→ Friday, 12 October
9:00 am ‒ third round of presentations
11:00 ‒ open discussion
12:15 ‒ conclusive roundtable
The sessions will be moderated by: Agostino Petrillo (Politencnico di Milano), Camilla Perrone (Università degli Studi di Firenze) and Luca Gaeta (Politecnico di Milano).
The seminar is coordinated by Luca Gaeta together with Alice Buoli and is supported by the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), Politecnico di Milano.
The event is part of the programme Stagione Capitale 2018/2019 "Rethinking Capitalism" by Fondazione Feltrinelli.
Participation to the seminar is free, but we due to limited seats, we kindly ask you to register by sending an e-mail to: alice.buoli@gmail.com
• Event page on Fondazione Feltrinelli website
• Event page on DAStU website
Event schedule:
- Start: 10-11-2018
- End: 10-12-2018.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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