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4 September 2009 – 7 September 2009

Sixteenth International Seminar on Urban Form

[i]Sixteenth International Seminar [/i] Guangzhou, China, 4 - 7 September 2009 The Sixteenth International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2009), co-hosted by South China University of Technology and Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau, will take place in Guangzhou, China from Friday 4 September to Monday 7 September 2009. The theme of the conference is Urban morphology and urban transformation. The organizers and the Council of ISUF invite participation in the Conference by interested academics and professionals. Topics on which proposals are particularly welcome include: Urban morphological theory Urban morphology, planning and design Urban morphology and architectural design New developments in research on building typology Typological research, planning and design Cities in transition Cities in a global era Urban form in Asia Traditional urban form Urban heritage and change Geospatial technology in urban morphology Proposals for papers should take the form of abstracts of papers, in either English or Chinese. They should be prepared in the following format: title of paper, author(s) name, affiliation, address, e-mail address, telephone number, key words and 250-word abstract. They should be addressed to Professor Yinsheng Tian, Department of Architecture, College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, P. R. China (e-mail: Abstracts of papers must be received on or before 31 December 2008. Notification of whether abstracts have been accepted will be provided by 1 March 2009. Those whose abstracts have been accepted will be required to pay a registration fee by 15 June 2009 to have their papers included in the conference programme. The registration fee includes membership of ISUF, and conference lunches and dinners. Following acceptance of abstracts, submission of papers (not exceeding 4000 words) is optional. If submitted, they should be received by Professor Tian by 15 July 2009. Authors should consult the notes for the guidance of contributors to Urban Morphology, available on the ISUF website ( or in recent copies of the journal, before preparing their papers. Selected papers may be published after the conference. The official conference languages are English and Chinese. There will be a New Researchers’ Forum, in which researchers new to the field are invited to take part. New researchers should indicate when they submit their abstracts whether they would like to be included in the New Researchers’ Forum. The city of Guangzhou, with over 2000 years of history, is the third largest city in China. Capital of one of the most economically dynamic provinces in China and located some 120 kilometres north west of Hong Kong, Guangzhou is the southern gateway of China. A number of excursions to places in the city and the region will be featured. Enquiries and suggestions concerning the conference should be forwarded to Professor Yinsheng Tian (e-mail:, or Dr Kai Gu (e-mail: The Conference organizing committee comprises Yinsheng Tian and Yunding Lu, South China University of Technology; Dong Wang and Haojun Ye, Guangzhou Urban Planning Bureau; Kai Gu, University of Auckland; and J. W. R. Whitehand, University of Birmingham. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-04-2009
  • End: 09-07-2009.