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30 November 2009 – 31 January 2010

Spatial Justice

[i]2010 AESOP PhD Workshop[/i] July 3, 2010 Turku, Finland Spatial Justice: Planning and distributing the luxury of space... offers PhD students an intensive course to support the development of their PhD studies. The workshop will bring young European and other international researchers in the planning field together to exchange ideas and knowledge. The workshop will be a mixture of small intensive working groups and supporting plenary sessions with keynote lectures from the mentors. It requires an active participation and presentation of research issues, theories and methodology to discuss. The environment is Seili Island located in the exciting Finnish archipelago near Turku. PhD students wishing to join the workshop are required to submit an abstract [b]not later than January 31st, 2010[/b] accompanied by a letter of introduction that will be the base for selection of participants. The abstract (maximum 500 words) should include: The aims and objectives of the research and brief research methodology. The letter of introduction should include: Stage in the PhD process Whether you earlier have participated in an AESOP PhD workshop What you hope to achieve joining the PhD workshop Earlier workshop presentations and papers Notification of acceptance will be presented March 15. Registration and full paper is required June 1. Papers will be distributed to the participants June 7. The participants' presentations as well as their full paper may focus on one or more of the following. Main theme of PhD Relevance to planning literature Research methodology Major obstacles in developing research Preliminary results Full papers must not exceed 5000 words (excluding references and tables) Participants should also state in their presentation what they would like the discussion of their paper to focus on. The workshop requires full time and active participation during the three days. In addition, participants will be asked to: Read full papers of other participants in their working group in advance to identify points for discussion and clarification on the other ones Act as a referee for another student in the same group and provide detailed feedback Give individual feedback about the success of the workshop, a summary of which will be presented by one participant to the AESOP General Assembly, ExCo, Corep and AESOP Young academics co-ordination team. The cost of the workshop is 300 €. The fee includes all meals, accommodation including bedding. 5 full bursaries are available for application with arguments for bursary. PhD students attending the workshop are free to attend the AESOP congress in Helsinki directly after the PhD workshop. Although, each student have to apply directly at the congress website. More detailed information will be provided successively on the AESOP Young Academics websites. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-30-2009
  • End: 01-31-2010.