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7 February 2008 – 8 February 2008

Territorial Planning : Imaging, Anticipating And Organising Space

[i]4th International symposium on territorial planning [/i] 7 - 8 February 2008 Grenoble Territorial planning is currently subject to a wide range of debates. Traditional planning, focussing on statutory regulation of land use and on the control of urban sprawl, is no longer adequate. Strategic planning, which appeared more recently, is essentially focused on the economic dimensions of urban development. Therefore, it is criticised for the lack of weight it gives to environmental preservation and sustainable development. New planning tools, such as structure plans and guidance notes are being tested. They achieve a greater integration of the different fi elds of public policy (transport, planning, Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 02-07-2008
  • End: 02-08-2008.