• Bernardo Capucho
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New Paradigms, Challenges and Opportunities
for European Cities
The contribution of Spatial Planning to overcome
the crisis
Cascais, Portugal
19-21 september 2013
Centro de Congressos de Estoril
Children that are born today will live until 2090. We are also preparing our cities for them. How to do it? And how to combine the new paradigms, the new basis of cities life, with the overcome of the actual crisis? We are in a turning point of our civilization. For the first time in human history it is necessary to face the limits of growth, to control the global warming and to apply sustainability.
It is a universal and multidimensional task with several component systems, ranging from local to global, from citizens to enterprises to governments, from biodiversity to infrastructures, from water to agriculture, from land to the seas, from research to new technologies, from transports to urban design, from housing to greenery, from strategy to management, from long term to short term, from governance to intersectorial/multilevel governance, from the vision to the implementation, from environment to social inclusion. Our solidarity with the new generations obliges us to change. The changes should include new political approaches, new technologies, new concepts, and new paradigms. Energy, agriculture, transportation, greenery, regional development, urban design, housing, etc., will change. As Industrial Age produced new urban models, theories, methodologies and practices, other models will be produced during coming Age.
The majority of the world population is urban. The tendency is growing. The problems, the challenges, the opportunities, the new paradigms and the solutions will take place in the cities. How to prepare cities to the challenges and opportunities of the future? What are the new paradigms and the solutions? Meanwhile, there is a financial and economical crisis that involves cities. The resolution of this crisis shall be interlinked with the new paradigms and solutions. What are the contributions of planning to overcome the actual financial and economical crisis? How European Cities and Towns are facing the crisis? How are they dealing with inequality? The Biennial will try to answer these questions and will be focused on different aspects of these subjects:
• Theoretical presentations by keynote speakers and papers authors (general and specific, about energy, water, information, public participation, demography; environment; new technologies, new materials, new methodologies, etc);
• Mayor’s Summit;
• Cascais New Paradigms Workshop;
• Young Planners Workshop on City without Public Economic Funds;
• Best practices exhibition of innovative urban solutions;
• Best practices exhibition of innovative plans and projects that were recently completed;
• Exhibition of new technologies recently developed;
• The exhibition and conference about the awarded winning projects in the last two European Urban and Regional Planning Awards;
• The posters exhibition and conference about selected works of the Cascais Urban Award 2013
• Bernardo Secchi
• Louis Albrechts
• Paolo la Greca
• Alain Bourdin
• Joan Busquets
• Oriol Nel-lo
• António Camara
• Jaime Melo Baptista
Please, refer to the file in download
Conference website
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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