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2 October 2013 – 4 October 2013
9th CTV International Conference 'Virtual City and Territory' CITY MEMORY PEOPLE (Call for Papers Closed)
Rome, Italy
DEADLINE: 28.06.2013
Department of Architecture
Roma Tre University
Planum is pleased to inform you that is opened the call to the 9th International Congress on Virtual City and Territory, 'City Memory People', which this year is organized by the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University and to be held in Rome on 2, 3 and 4 October 2013.
Largo Giovanni Battista Marzi, 10 | 00153 - Roma
• Metro Line B - 'Piramide' Stop
• Bus Line 719
Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa
The Congress “Virtual City and Territory” is a project born in 2004 from an idea of Josep Roca Cladera, director of CPSV - Centro de Política y Suelo Valoraciones of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia with the aim of creating an euro-american permanent arena for discuss on development and use of new technologies in architecture, urban design, planning.
The ninth edition is entitled “ CITY MEMORY PEOPLE” and it is an opportunity to reflect on the “sense of place”, understood as a common thread for the various topics on which we apply a broad reflection: sustainable mobility and infrastructure, energy and smart cities, urban regeneration, archaeology, conservation, culture and environment, climate, citizenship and participation, health, public safety and urban policies.
The international congress will face three main themes:
Today talk of town is difficult, if not rather of several cities - as to exorcise the fact that the contemporary city risks to turn into a non-city. And perhaps in the same way we could talk about different suburbs. Cities in which, alongside new and old settlement patterns, we observe new and old mobility patterns, conditioned and conditioning. And where the continuous urban growth, due to the crisis, leaves more and more space to the recovery and regeneration – even energetic – of the existing town.
The day is divided into four sessions that will focus on the themes of mobility patterns, urban regeneration, energy and virtual cities.
Over the last decades, the claim for an idea of "permanence" focused on interactions between environmental and historic resources and lifestyles and habits has ledurban planning, landscape design practices and even historical disciplines to wonder about the legacy of the sense of place to future generations. Individual and collective perceptions of what we missed and what still remains are at stake, along with new learning experiences in history.
The idea of continuity goes far beyond the handling of physical remains, since it implies intangible Heritage as well.
How is sense of place changing under the pressure of new behavioral patterns ? how expert knowledge and common knowledge may contribute to the balance between continuity andinnovation? The axis is organized into four sessions, with a deep look over on-going experiences and material practices of framing memories within new shared geographies. Changing landscapes. Regenerating, re-using, re-inventing our living environment.
The city is a physical space and, together, spatial relationship between the individual’s psyche and the “communitarian soul”, fertilized by culture.
A city, as tòpos of this relationship, allows resonances and correspondences between itsGenius Loci, as a sense of limit, and its people if it permits freedom, safety and the necessary creativity to express one's Self. And to "stay", not to emigrate elsewhere, and continue to live, to desire, to hope.
The day is divided into four sessions that will address the issues of sustainable tourism, citizenship, urban policy and migration and immigration.
• For more info about the Call for Paper click here
You may participate in the 9th Congress of Virtual City and Territory "CITY MEMORY PEOPLE" - Rome 2013 sending abstract or poster or both, choosing one of the topics of the 12 sessions that compose the three thematic days of the Congress. Upon acceptance of abstracts or posters, the authors must register and subscribe to the Congress as Speakers. The 9th CCTV Rome 2013 is a trilingual congress. Abstracts and posters shall be written in Italian, Spanish or English.
• Organizing committee
Mario Cerasoli | Università Roma Tre, Italy
Anna Laura Palazzo | Università Roma Tre, Italy
Elena Battaglini | IRES Istituto Ricerche Economiche e Sociali, Italy
Rolando Biere Arenas | UPC Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
• Scientific committee
Mario Panizza
Director of the Department of Architecture, Rector of Roma Tre University - Rome (Italy)
Josep Roca Cladera
Head of Department of Architectural Construction, Director of the Center for Land Policy and Valuations, Polytechnic University of Catalonia - Barcelona (Spain)
Daniel González Romero
Professor at Division of Arts and Humanities. University Center of Art, Architecture and Design. University of Guadalajara - Guadalajara (Mexico).
José António Tenedório
Scientific Coordinator and President of the Steering Committee e-GEO. Professor of Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities. Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Lisbon (Portugal).
Antonio Paìs Antunes
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology. President of the Council of the Department. University of Coimbra - Coimbra (Portugal).
Pedro Abramo
Associate Professor at the Center of Juridical and Economic Sciences. Institute of Research and Urban and Regional Planning. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Héctor Gaete Feres
Professor of Department of Planning and Urban Design Faculty of Architecture, Building and Design. Rector of the University of Bio-Bio - Concepcion (Chile).
For more info click here
28.06.2013 | New!! Abstract Submission Deadline
28.06.2013 | Posters Submission Deadline
31.07.2013 | Acceptance notice ABSTRACT e POSTER
1.08/30.09.2013 | Registration
20.08.2013 | Payment deadline reduced registration fee (SPEAKERS)
15.09.2013 | Payment deadline registration fee (SPEAKERS)
15.09.2013 | Payment deadline reduced registration fee (AUDITORS)
30.09.2013 | Payment deadline registration fee (AUDITORS)
2-4 ottobre 2013 | International Congress
31.10.2013 | Deadline sending full papers (Conference Proceedings)
• 9th International Congress 'City Memory People' website
• Secretery of the congress
• Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University
TEL: 06 57339710
FAX: 06 57339708
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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