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6 July 2006 – 8 July 2006

Urban Conditions and Life Chances

[i]International Conference - Research and Training Network UrbEurope[/i] 6th July – 8th July 2006, Universiteit van Amsterdam, AMIDSt, Roetersstraat 15 (Roeterseiland - Building A) Roetersstraat 15 1018 WB Amsterdam This is an international conference of the Amsterdam institute for Metropolitan and International Development Studies, co-organized by the Research and Training Network UrbEurope. The conference will be an interdisciplinary meeting, open to geographers, political scientists, sociologists, economists, anthropologists, planners and other social scientists. The conference will be organized in two types of sessions: - Plenary sessions in the morning where invited keynote speakers will debate recent research developments and questions related to various aspects of the conference theme - Workshops in the afternoon will be focused on issues proposed by participants to expose different dimensions of urban conditions and life chances; selected participants will present their papers for discussion. Workshops themes: - Social interactions and dynamics in the urban region - Life courses and time-space behaviour - Urban conditions for creative knowledge - Area-based urban programmes and new local governance - The urban context and exclusion Language: English Organizers: Sako Musterd ([][/url]) Wim Ostendorf ([][/url]) Bettina Springer ([][/url]) With the support of the AMIDSt - secretariat. [b][i]Deadlines[/i][/b] - Sending abstracts (April 3st, 2006) - reply abstract accepted or not till March 15th, 2006 - Sending papers (May 1st, 2006) - Final program (June 1st, 2006) - On-line Registration (until June 1st, 2006) Further information on:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-06-2006
  • End: 07-08-2006.