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9 October 2007 – 6 November 2007

Urban Development and Reconstruction

[i]Master’s Course[/i] Venezia, 2007-2008 The objective of the Course is to address spatial, economic and institutional issues in the city of developing countries as well as transition economies. Focusing on governance and participation, it provides students with the analytical and professional skills required for designing, managing and implementing urban development and reconstruction projects. The course consists of two teaching modules and a fieldwork. At the end of the Course students are required to prepare a Project Document. [b]Module 1 [/b]provides the theoretical and methodological framework to examine development and reconstruction in urban areas. [b]Module 2[/b] is structured around 2 lectures series and 3 workshops providing the analytical and operational tools for effective planning and management. [b]Module 3[/b] requires students to undertake an individual fieldwork within an ongoing urban development or reconstruction project. To receive the Master Degree, students have to submit the Project Document (9 credits). The Document discussion can take place via videoconference. The Course is held in English. It includes lectures, seminars and tutored individual studies. [i]Proficiency in English is essential[/i] [b]Teaching Staff[/b] Marcello Balbo, Course Director Cinzia Acaia Virginio Bettini Giorgio Cancelliere Daniele Pini Giorgio Gianighian Silvio Griguolo Roberto Ottolenghi Domenico Patassini Gianni Rufini Regular teaching is complemented by lectures from invited experts. [b]Application[/b] The Course will take a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 20 students. Applicants from European universities must hold a degree with a minimum of five years’ study Applicants from foreign universities must hold a degree with a minimum of four years’ study. Applications should be addressed to: Magnifico Rettore Università Iuav di Venezia Santa Croce 191 30135 Venezia Italy [b]Tuition[/b] Tuition fee for the academic year 2007-2008 is € 4,514,62. Accommodation and living expenses have to be paid for by applicants. A limited number of study grants may be offered by Università Iuav di Venezia to partially cover the fieldwork travel expenses. Università Iuav di Venezia does not provide scholarships. [b]Course calendar[/b] Module 1 21st January – 28th February (6 weeks) Module 2 3d March – 29th May (11 weeks) Module 3 from June (minimum 15 weeks) Final Report Discussion 1st session: 17th December 2008 2nd session: 4th March 2009 [b]Dates to remember[/b] [b]Application deadline 6nd November 2007[/b] Selection results 12th November 2007 Enrolment deadline 19th November 2007 Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-09-2007
  • End: 11-06-2007.