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5 May 2010 – 7 May 2010

Urban Transport 2010

[i]16th International Conference on Urban Transport and the Environment[/i] 5 - 7 May 2010 Cyprus This international conference on Urban Transport and the Environment has successfully been reconvened annually for the last sixteen years. It has always attracted a wide international spread of delegates and is well established as the premier annual event of its type. It first started in Southampton, UK in 1995; continuing in Barcelona, Spain (1996); Acquasparta, Italy (1997); Lisbon, Portugal (1998); Rhodes, Greece (1999); Cambridge, UK (2000); Lemnos, Greece (2001); Seville, Spain (2002); Crete, Greece (2003); Dresden, Germany (2004); Algarve, Portugal (2005); WIT campus in the New Forest, UK (2006); Coimbra, Portugal (2007); Malta (2008); and Bologna, Italy (2009) The continuing requirement for better urban transport systems in general and the need for a healthier environment has led to an increased level of research around the world. This is reflected in the proceedings of this well-established meeting which demonstrates the steady growth and research into urban transport systems. The variety of topics covered by this conference are of primary importance for analysing the complex interaction of the urban transport environment and for establishing action strategies for transport and traffic problems. Transportation in cities with its related environmental and social concerns is a topic of the utmost importance for urban authorities and central governments around the world. Urban Transport systems require considerable studies to safeguard their operational use, maintenance and safety. They produce significant environmental impacts and can enhance or degrade the quality of life in urban centres. The emphasis is to seek transportation systems that minimize any ecological and environmental impact, are sustainable and help to improve the socio-economic fabric of the city. Another area of concern addressed by the conference is that of public safety and security, seeking ways to protect passengers while retaining the efficiency of the systems. Fo rmore information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-05-2010
  • End: 05-07-2010.