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12 June 2014 – 13 June 2014
World in Denmark 2014 Nordic Encounters: Travelling ideas of open space design and planning
Copenhagen, Denmark
University of Copenhagen
Research Group of Landscape Architecture and –Urbanism
Division of Landscape Architecture and Planning
For a decade, the World in Denmark conferences have brought prominent international designers and planners to Copenhagen. This 10th conference investigates the role of Denmark – or more broadly the Nordic countries – in the world. Scholars and practitioners are invited to submit abstracts that discuss cultural encounters in open space design and planning. International key note speakers from landscape architecture, urban design and urbanism will reflect on recent interventions in the urban landscape.
“Super Danish”, “New Nordic”, and “Scandinavian welfare design” are among numerous seductive names that coin planning and architecture practices from the north these years. Drawing on historic recognition of design traditions, the Scandinavian approach has recently experienced a profound revitalisation.
Nordic planning is often promoted as particularly human, ecologically sustainable and democratic.
The issue goes beyond Denmark and the Nordic countries. It concerns what it means to intervene in cities and landscapes in a global era. What happens when western designers work in places whose local languages are new to them? How do general ideas about improving cities migrate and mutate, synergize and conflict in the encounter with specific contexts? What are the potentials and losses of producing traditions – such as the Danish or Nordic – in open space design and planning?
This conference invites contributors from landscape architecture, urban design, heritage- and urban studies, geography, anthropology, ethnology, art history and more to discuss how design and planning mindsets travel.
Scholars and practitioners working with historical and contemporary design, planning, theory, and education from a broad variety of perspectives are encouraged to submit abstracts related to the tracks below:
Track 1: Process, site, and nature
Danish and Nordic planning and urban space design is often presented as particularly site-specific and in line with nature. The practices of designers and planners are culturally grounded and imply certain habits of thought. The way that we understand site, nature and identity has deep roots and colours our daily working approaches. How does interpretation of site, nature and identity influence design and planning? And what happens when certain mindsets encounter and negotiate between different professions, regions and cultural spheres?
Track 2: Liveability, welfare, and democracy
Liveability, democracy and citizen’s participation are often associated with welfare planning as practiced in Scandinavia and Northern Europe. And yet, such concepts are not indigenous to this part of the world, neither necessarily constant. How are such concepts defined and practiced by different actors in the design and planning of open spaces? How are the spaces of the heydays of welfare urbanism in the 1960s and 1970s handled today? The financial crisis has been much less severe in Scandinavia than in many other regions. Is the Scandinavian idea of liveability and welfare planning relevant in other parts of the world? Are notions of liveability and welfare universal? What is democratic planning in Scandinavia and in other countries – historically and in the present?
Track 3: Traditions, narratives, and politics
Behind the construction of an architectural movement, like the Nordic, there is always someone, and there are always certain agendas. In this track, we ask who produces and promotes a certain planning tradition - why, for whom and with which implications? How come that a certain formal language becomes connected to a certain set of values? How are design and planning approaches appropriated, reproduced, and altered in specific contexts? How do the construction and deconstruction of narratives influence our cities? In this track we will look into questions about subjectivity, and power.
• A one-page abstract of maximum 300 words + five keywords is required.
• The abstract must be submitted to www.windk.dk no later than 17 March 2014.
• All abstracts and papers must be written and presented in English.
• Proposals for complete panels are welcome.
Research Group of Landscape Architecture and –Urbanism
Division of Landscape Architecture and Planning
University of Copenhagen
17 March | Deadline abstracts
31 March | Notice on accept
until 7th April | Early Bird registration
24th April | Deadline for registration
24th April | Deadline revised abstract
12th-13th June | Conference
14th June | Post Conference Trips
Conference Website
University of Copenhagen
Event schedule:
- Start: 06-12-2014
- End: 06-13-2014.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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