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15 November 2012 – 17 November 2012
CITIES TO BE TAMED? Standards and alternatives in the transformation of the urban South International Conference (CALL FOR PAPERS CLOSED)
Milan, Italy
promoted by:
Spazicontesi | Contestedspaces
with the support of:
DiAP Department of Architecture and Planning, Politecnico di Milano
in collaboration with:
Laboratory of International Cooperation (DiAP)
Visualizza Politecnico di Milano in una mappa di dimensioni maggiori
The aim of the international conference is simultaneously exploring and questioning the role played by urban planning, design, and policies in the continuous urbanisation processes affecting the so-called ‘global South’. The Conference aims to explore the difference between ‘standard’ and ‘alternative’ strategies of transformation – especially investigating the relationships between the visions of policy-making, and the transformative agency of everyday urbanity.
As such, the Conference targets urban researchers coming from the backgrounds of planning and urbanism, architecture, design theory, and geography – and welcomes both theoretical reflections and academic perspectives, and case- study related practices and insights.
The main themes of the conference are:
1. Designing the informal city/the informal design of the city
2. Stereotypical visions/eduring realities
3. The power of planning/empowering by planning
Paper proposals are now being accepted. The official language for the Conference is English. Paper proposals intended for presentation within the Conference should be e-mailed to:
no later than June 15, 2012.
For more informations please see the download file on the right
Spazicontesi | Contestedspaces
Francesco Chiodelli, Beatrice De Carli, Maddalena Falletti, Lina Scavuzzo
• Alessandro Balducci, Politecnico di Milano
• Camillo Boano, University College of London
• Bruno De Meulder, University of Leuven
• Jorge Fiori, A.A. School of Architecture
• Nabeel Hamdi, Oxford Brookes University
• Agostino Petrillo, Politecnico di Milano
• Antonio Tosi, Politecnico di Milano
• Bruno De Meulder, University of Leuven, Belgium
• Jorge Fiori, AA School of Architecture, UK
• Nabeel Hamdi, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Further Keynote Speakers will be announced upon confirmation
Call for Papers Lunch:
• 1 March 2012
Abstract Submission Deadline:
• 15 June 2012
Notification of Acceptance of Papers:
• 15 July 2012
Deadline for Authors' Registration:
• 1 Semptember 2012
Deadline for Audience' Registration:
• 15 October 2012
Deadline for Submission of Full Papers:
• 15 October 2012
Conference Sessions:
• 15 - 17 November 2012