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Territorio Cover n. 64/2013

Issue 64, 2013

from Territorio



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In this issue:


  1. Il nuovo Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani: appunti per un’agenda
    The new Department of Architecture and Urban Studies: notes for an agenda

    by Gabriele Pasqui

  2. Conservazione e fruizione del patrimonio architettonico: un problema etico
    Conservation and use of our architectural heritage: an ethical problem

    by Amedeo Bellini


Mega sporting events in Brasil. Critical issues

  1. Mega sporting events in Brasil. Critical issues

    by Giuliana Costa

  2. Social impacts, prons and cons of hosting mega sporting events, focusing on a global south city: Rio de Janeiro

    by Giuliana Costa

  3. The right to housing, the World Cup and the Olympics: reflections on the case of Rio de Janeiro

    by Orlando Alves Dos Santos Junior, Mauro Rogo Monteiro Dos Santos

  4. Changes and continuities of brazilian urban governance: the impacts of the sporting mega events

    by Erick Silva Omena De Melo

  5. Urban mobility in the Olympic City: a ‘transportation revolution’ in Rio de Janeiro?

    by Juciano Martins Rodrigues

  6. From culture to spectacle, the new logics of Brazilian football

    by Christopher Gaffney

  7. Mega sporting events in Brazil: transformation and mercantilisation of cities

    by Luiz Cesar de Queiroz Ribeiro, Orlando Alves Dos Santos Junior


Costruire la città dei ceti medi
To build the city of the middle classes

  1. Costruire la città dei ceti medi
    To build the city of the middle classes

    by Federico Zanfi e Gaia Caramellino

  2. Convenzioni urbanistiche e nuovo paesaggio residenziale per i ceti medi a Milano tra gli anni ’50 e ’70
    Urban planning development agreements and the new residential landscape for the middle classes in Milan from the 1950s until the 1970s

    by Federico Zanfi

  3. La legge 167 e i ceti medi
    Law n. 167 and the middle classes

    by Filippo De Pieri

  4. Costruire nei piani di zona a Torino
    Building in the local plans in Turin

    by Emanuela Andrini, Davide Cutolo, Ilario Leone

  5. Costruire per il ceto medio a Milano. Note sulla filiera imprenditoriale
    To build for the middle classes in Milan. Notes on the business supply chain

    by Luca Gaeta

  6. Il Giornale dei Costruttori, 1945-1968
    The Builders’ Newspaper, 1945-1968

    by Nicole De Togni

  7. Edilizia pubblica per i ceti medi: contributi al dibattito sulle case per gli impiegati nel secondo dopoguerra
    Public housing for the middle classes: contributions to the debate on housing for white collar workers in the post-war years

    by Gaia Caramellino

  8. L’attività edilizia dell’Istituto Nazionale Assicurazioni, 1950-1970
    The building activities of the National Insurance Agency, 1950-1970

    by Gaia Caramellino

  9. L’appartamento per i ceti medi a Torino: alcune considerazioni
    The apartments for the middle classes in Turin: some considerations

    by Francesca B. Filippi

  10. L’intermediazione immobiliare a Torino negli anni del boom: l’esperienza Gabetti
    The real estate transaction in Turin during the years of the boom: Gabetti’s experience

    by Francesca B. Filippi

  11. Repertori per la costruzione di un catalogo della città dei ceti medi. Catalogo Bolaffi dell’architettura italiana, 1963-1966
    Guidelines for building the catalogue of the middle class city. Bolaffi catalogue of Italian architecture, 1963-1966

    by Patrizia Bonifazio


  1. Abitudini e percezione di sé nelle scelte di shopping presso i centri urbani
    Habits and perception of self in shopping choices in urban centres

    by Gianluigi Guido, Antonio Mileti, Carla Tomacelli, Giovanni Pino, Miriam Scapolan

  2. Fiumi e città. Esperienze europee a confronto
    Rivers and cities. A comparison of European experiences

    by Andrea Oldani

  3. Sguardi oltre le retoriche. Politiche e progetti per la casa a Milano
    Glances beyond the rhetoric. Policies and plans for housing in Milan

    by Massimo Bricocoli, Alessandro Coppola

  4. Cities and science parks: the urban experience of 22@Barcelona

    by Sabrina Puddu, Francesco Zuddas

  5. Centri storici: infrastrutture per l’urbanità contemporanea
    City centres: infrastructures for contemporary urban areas

    by Bertrando Bonfantini



  1. Thomas Pagani: «Confini»
    Thomas Pagani: «Borders»

    by Francesco Infussi


  1. Abstracts e traduzioni (n.64)

    by James Davis

  2. Recensioni (n.64)

    by Marco Mareggi, Alessandro Coppola, Emma Salizzoni, Roberta Capello, Dimitra Babalis