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Issue 62, 1993

from Spazio e Società

Spazio e Società

In this issue:
  1. An hypothesis

    [ita] Un'ipotesi

    by Giovanni Astengo

  2. Environmental changes and alterations in the Venice lagoon

    [ita] Trasformazioni ambientali ed alterazioni nella laguna veneta

    by Paolo Rosa Salva

  3. Witness

    [ita] Testimonianza

    by Giancarlo De Carlo

  4. Mostar '92 /Urbicide

    [ita] Mostar '92 /Urbicide

    by Associazione Architetti di Mostar

  5. Collective forms

    [ita] Forme aggregate

    by Fumihiko Maki

  6. International competition for the layout of Florence University

    [ita] Il concorso internazionale per la sistemazione dell'Università di Firenze

  7. Reviews

    [ita] Recensioni

    by M. Mazzocut-Mis

  8. The town planning policy of Florence and the Competition for the new University

    [ita] La politica urbanisitca fiorentina e il Concorso internazionale per la nuova Università

    by Paolo Sica

  9. The town planning events of Florence municipality from the master plan of 1962 to today

    [ita] Le vicende urbanistiche del comune di Fierenze dall'adozione del P.R.G. dal 1962 a oggi

  10. The extent of time. Fountains Abbey visitor centre, Edward Cullinan Architects

    [ita] La dimensione del tempo. Il centro visitatori di Fountains Abbey, Edward Cullinan Architects

    by Patrick Hodgkinson

  11. Account of the Competition Commission

    [ita] Relazione della Commissione giudicatrice del Concorso

  12. 1st winner project

    [ita] Progetto 1° classificato

  13. 2nd winner project

    [ita] Progetto 2° classificato

  14. 3rd winner project

    [ita] Progetto 3° classificato

  15. Nursery school at Cantalupo

    [ita] La scuola materna di Cantalupo

    by Lamberto Rossi

  16. Introduction to 30 years of the town planning history of Rome

    [ita] Introduzione a trent'anni di storia urbanistica romana

    by Alberto Mancini

  17. An optimistic Ziggurat

    [ita] Uno Ziggurat ottimista

    by Amedeo Petrilli

  18. The garden of three cultures in Madrid

    [ita] Il giardino delle Tre Culture a Madrid

    by Francesca Mazzino

  19. Genoa fish market

    [ita] Il Mercato del pesce a Genova

    by Laura Carrara Cagni

  20. Intuition, power and architecture

    [ita] Intuito, potere e architettura

    by Elisabeth Tostrup

  21. Salk Institute and the Kabbalah

    [ita] Il Salk Institute e la Cabala

    by Jeffry Kieffer

  22. Programme for the workers' housing-estates in Hamm Integration of strategies for the whole city with local projects

    [deu] Arbeitersiedlungsprogramm Hamm - Verschränkung gesamtstädtischer Strategien und lokaler Projekte

    by Heinz-Martin Muhle

  23. City centres need mobility – the aversion of the market for planning

    [deu] Innenstädte brauchen Mobilität - Die Marktblindheit der Planung

    by Norbert Lingen

  24. Chains of urban development Insufficient communication hinders the treatment of contamination

    [deu] Fessel der Stadtentwicklung - Unzureichende Kooperation behindert die Altlastenbearbeitung

    by Frank Claus

  25. Contamination in land-use plans Possibilities and consequences of describing soil-pollution

    [deu] Altlasten in Bebauungsplänen - Möglichkeiten und Konsequenzen der zeichnerischen Darstellung von Bodenbelastungen

    by Frank Schröter

  26. City marketing abroad – applicability of German planning practice

    [deu] Stadtmarketing im Ausland - Anwendbarkeit in der bundesdeutschen Planungspraxis

    by Axel Köster

  27. Public-private partnership – comments on the reception of a fashionable term

    [deu] Public-Private Partnership - Anmerkungen zur Rezeption eines Modebegriffs

    by Rainer Kestermann

  28. Cultural policy is urban development Comments on culture statistics, urban development and life-style

    [deu] Kulturpolitik ist Stadtentwicklung - Anmerkungen zur Kulturstatistik, Stadtentwicklung und Lebensgestaltung

    by Helmut Böhme

  29. Culture-sponsoring by companies Demands, prerequisites and possibilities in municipal policy

    [deu] Kultursponsoring durch Unternehmen - Anforderungen, Voraussetzungen und Möglichkeiten in der Kommunalpolitik

    by Wolfgang Börstinghaus