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A Cohesion Policy and Local Development Studio in a Multicultural Planning Course | A sketch from the students' final work (Novara, Previtali, Riboldi, Vertemara)

A Cohesion Policy
and Local Development Studio
in a multicultural planning Course |

Carolina Pacchi, Costanzo Ranci, Rossana Torri

'Urban disconnection' is a term that emphasizes the tensions emerging between economic and social determinants of urban transformations. In order to detect and recognize these dynamics within specific areas under transformation, the capacity to connect social and urban facts becomes crucial. 
Students were divided in four teams and each of them developed a different aspect of the proposed theme, on the basis of the first results deriving from direct observation and preliminary collection of information. The studio started with a study-tour organized by the student teams in the selected area, aimed at sharing with the teaching staff a first map of the issues and their spatial base. 
Given a sufficiently wide context as a starting point, students were given the task to more precisely define the boundaries of their study area, according to their specific research questions. Each group developed specific research questions and defined the spatial scale most appropriate to situate them.

In order to better understand the different type of issues that have been studied, we give a brief resume of the four sub-themes developed by the groups.

• Group 1 | Maciachini - Affori:
Scenarios of Urban Transformation - 
Managing the Real Estate Market
Students: Marisa Novara, Cinzia Previtali, Emanuele Riboldi,
Davide Vertemara

Group 2  | The peculiarities of Maciachini Area as a mixed community. Lessons from Imbonati and Dergano

Students: Federica Fremder, Eric Opoku, Flavia Rizzini, Alessandro Stabilini

• Group 3 | Affori's future scenarios
Students: Stefania Aldeghi, Cristian Bono, Federica Dimatteo, Arman Fadaei, Pietro Pedercini

• Group 4 | Public Functions and spaces as opportunities of cohesion 
between different groups of population
Students: Altenius Victor Catanzaro Maria La Fauci Alberto Manini Francesco