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13 May 2010 – 28 August 2010

A Rendez Vous With The City - Paris

[i]The Fabulous Destiny Of North-East Paris[/i] Exhibition from 7/5/2010 to 28/8/2010 Pavillon de l'arsenal, Paris Taking in the towns of Aubervilliers, Paris and Saint-Denis who share its long and remarkable history, North-East Paris and its inhabitants invite us to discover the fabulous destiny of this vast plain, which has been in constant evolution over the past two centuries. Today, with over 250 hectares in the process of development, the region is keeping a rendezvous with the life and the city of the 21st century. “I know this district well, it’s my neighbourhood, I’ve seen it evolve and change...”; “It’s a neighbourhood where people talk to each other.”; “All the communities meet at the markets, they’re real public places... ” For ten months, the Pavillon de l’Arsenal surveyed this ‘XXL’ territory, from Boulevard de la Chapelle to Rue du Landy, Aubervilliers Town Hall, between the Northern railway lines and the Flandres-Jean Jaurès road, inviting the inhabitants of these districts in transformation to express their views. Each account breathes life into a vibrant patrimony. Each encounter is an opportunity to engage collectively in a dialogue with the future: from the real-life city to the city on the drawing board, from the private city to a territory shared, from the existing city to that of tomorrow. This exhibition invites the visitor to discover the region, those who live there, and react to forthcoming transformations: constructions now realized and ambitious projects, mobility today and the transports of tomorrow ... More than 90 architectural and urban projects - recently completed or under construction - are detailed and presented here: redevelopments of industrial sites, the building of public amenities, office space and housing, urban planning and the creation of gardens, the implementation of transport infrastructures ... The museography of the exhibition reveals a receptive city, where iconic edifices from each district take the form of expo furniture installed on the first floor of the Pavillon de l’Arsenal to represent the seven main sectors as identified by the North-East Paris inhabitants. Visitors can sit and read in the Orgues de Flandres, rest awhile on the Magasins Généraux, stop and chat at the Manufacture d’Aubervilliers or leaf through a book on the shelves of the Cité Charles Hermite. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-13-2010
  • End: 08-28-2010.