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1 May 2010 – 31 October 2010

Better City, Better Life - Expo 2010 Shanghai

[i]Expo 2010 Shanghai China[/i] May 1 to Oct 31, 2010 Shanghai China The theme of Expo 2010 is "Better City, Better Life," representing the common wish of the whole humankind for a better living in future urban environments. This theme represents a central concern of the international community for future policy making, urban strategies and sustainable development. In 1800, 2% of the global population lived in cities. In 1950, the figure raised to 29%, in 2000, almost half the world population moved into cities, and by 2010, as estimated by the United Nations, the urban population will account for 55% of the total human population. The quest for a better life has run through the urban history of mankind. Through different sub-themes, Expo 2010 will create blueprints for future cities and harmonious urban life styles, providing an extraordinary educational and entertaining platform for visitors of all nations: œBlending of diverse cultures in the city œEconomic prosperity in the city œInnovations of science and technology in the city œRemodelling of communities in the city œInteractions between urban and rural areas Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 05-01-2010
  • End: 10-31-2010.