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4 June 2009 – 7 June 2009

Building Bridges to a Sustainable Future

[i]PLANet Youth 2009[/i] June 4 - 7, 2009 San Francisco Bay Area Young people possess an innate curiosity to explore their environment, ask important questions and imagine possibilities. These characteristics are crucial as our society seeks to address climate change, the current economic recession, and to undertake more sustainable practices. Youth around the nation are already working to create more sustainable communities. By celebrating and nurturing their work, we can uplift their contribution to the level of engagement that it deserves. Participants will: Meet & celebrate youth leaders in the field of planning and sustainability Learn about local and national activity around sustainable, equitable development & climate change Plan for active youth engagement in planning & policy-making processes Form a professional network with peers & adults in the field Learn how to establish a local chapter of the Young Planners Network We invite: Teams of youth and adult allies (2 - 10 persons per team) Teams associated with an established or planned project, program or alliance who are committed to working together after the conference Individuals of all ages who are interested in learning about / getting involved in the movement to create more sustainable, equitable, and accessible cities with youth Call for Proposals: We want you to be a part of PLANet Youth 2009! Here are a few guidelines for you to think about as you design a proposal that will allow you to share your work with conference attendees. Please comment on the following two areas in your submission: 1. Topic Area or Theme - Does your work fall into a specific area within planning? Participatory planning with youth Policy-making with youth Youth-led research Community service / service learning Environmental advocacy & food access Green jobs / professional development Social justice & community development with youth Urban planning / policy-making in K - 12 education Arts-based engagement Or...offer your own category! 2. Type of Presentation - We encourage you to be creative in the design of your presentation! Panel Discussion - Assemble your own panel of presenters around a common theme Interactive Workshop - Engage audience in discussion or skill-building activities Poster Presentation - Create a poster that describes your project, ideas or vision Mobile Workshop - Design a tour for participants, organize a site visit, etc. Creative Expression - Submit a poem, piece of artwork or short film Or suggest your own presentation design! Please include the following in your proposal: 1. Contact information for each presenter (name, title, address, telephone, email) 2. Main topic area or theme, and the preferred presentation format 3. Session title and summary (300 words or less) 4. Audio-visual requirements 5. Length of the presentation (time required / requested) 6. Any other special requirements if applicable (transportation, materials, etc.) Please submit proposals in PDF or Microsoft Word format, preferably as an attachment to [][/url]. [b]Proposals must be received no later than April 1, 2009.[/b] Visit the website:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-04-2009
  • End: 06-07-2009.