18 January 2018 – 19 January 2018
Call For Registration |
Florence, IT
• SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE OF FLORENCE, with the collaboration of GSSI
• 06.01.2018 (Deadline for registration)
A network of scholars from a number of Italian universities, engaged with doctoral courses, have voluntarily set up a PhD learning project on research methodology in the field of planning and urban studies. This is a sort of “research methodology school” that offers graduate students, PhD candidates, young academics and scholars on doctoral courses the opportunity to interactively build learning and training paths in research methodology. More specifically, the Research Methodology School is promoted by University of Florence (Doctoral Program on Urban and Regional Planning, Doctoral School of Architecture), with the support of Gran Sasso Science Institute (Doctoral Programme in Urban Studies and Regional Science) and the participation of a network of Italian universities: University of Florence, University of Cagliari, Gran Sasso Science Institute - L’Aquila, IUAV - Venice, Polytechnic University of Milan, Polytechnic University of Turin, Sapienza University of Rome, University of Roma Tre, University of Molise, University of Naples, University of Palermo, University of Sassari. It offers several workshops on pre-methodological and methodological issues.
In particular, this year, the following questions will be addressed:
• Academic Publishing and Writing;
• The role of visual methods in urban research;
• Materiality-Oriented Case Methodology;
• Urban Practices. Filling the gap between research and action;
• Methods in policy analysis.
The 2018 WRMS is organized around 3 main pillars:
Academic Publishing and Writing
Francesco Chiodelli, Gran Sasso Science Institute | Stefano Moroni, Polytechnic University of Milan
Basic questions are addressed in this section, for instance related to how writing an academic article or a PhD Thesis, or how to publish on international scientific journals. The first part of the workshop (“Academic writing”) aims to present PhD students with a series of pointers that will serve as a template for formulating their thesis. The second part (“Academic publishing”) aims to introduce PhD students to the challenging world of publishing on international scientific journals in English.
Some parallel workshop are offered, addressing, for instance, questions related to methods of qualitative and quantitative research and to the research-action approach; the challenge of working with comparative approaches beyond the stereotyped ‘divides’ that have influenced international research (north/south divide; formal/informal etc.).
Workshop 1 | The role of visual methods in urban research
Michele Lancione, University of Sheffield, UK | Giovanni Attili, University of Roma La Sapienza
Screening of "A început ploaia / It started raining. Fighting for the right to housing in Bucharest", a documentary film by Michele Lancione (University of Sheffield, UK). The film will be preceded with a discussion on the
role of visual methods in urban research, with Michele Lancione and Giovanni Attili (University of Rome La Sapienza).
Workshop 2 | Materiality-Oriented Case Methodology
Laura Lieto, University of Naples Federico II
The workshop offers essential guidelines about case methodology with a strong orientation to the materiality of urban life, basically drawing on Actor-Network Theory and the new materialism. Examples of an ‘object-oriented case methodology’ will be presented and discussed as the empirical backbone of the workshop program, and to provide students with clues for discussion and critical interaction.
Workshop 3 | Urban Practices. Filling the gap between research and action
Laura Sajia, University of Memphis, US | Daniela De Leo, La Sapienza University of Rome
The workshop focuses on the development of research agendas aimed at bridging the gap with practice. It covers a range of approaches and experiences, from stories of practices to action-research. It includes: lectures framing concrete examples within larger epistemological and ethical frameworks of traditional and contemporary planning research approaches; an interactive exercise on the relationship between knowledge and action of participants' research projects; suggestions on how to pursue a successful ‘engaged’ academic career in the face of the growing ‘publish or perish’ culture.
Workshop 4 | Methods in policy analysis
Valeria Fedeli, Polytechnic University of Milan
The workshop suggests a method for policy analysis. It introduces the main theories in the field of policy analysis, with a focus on their methodological aspects; then, it guides students toward framing a research project in the field of policy analysis
Institutions and Rules for contemporary cities
Ugo Rossi, University of Turin | Nurit Alfari, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel)
A hot topic in the field of planning and urban studies is addressed, through a talk by two leading scholars in the field, approaching the topic form a different methodological perspective.
Attendees are asked to register by the 6th of January 2018 at this email address: researchmethodologyschool@gmail.com. The participation is free of charge. The workshop will provide PhD candidates with 4 credits (to be agreed with the sending schools).
Attendees are required to specify the following details: name; surname; affiliation; role; which workshop among No. 2, 3 and 4 they would like to attend.
More information on the Research Methodology School (e.g. provisional programme, speakers, details about registration etc.) at the enclosed file (see download).
Event schedule:
- Start: 01-18-2018
- End: 01-19-2018.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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