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28 January 2009

Climate Change and Urban Poverty - Infrastructures of Development

[i]Conference [/i] 28 January 2009 Dhaka, Bangladesh There is now widespread agreement that global warming is taking place, and that the lives of the poor will be, and already are, negatively affected. Knowledge about the processes that will drive change, and the policies that would help poor people adapt to these changes, remains limited. This is particularly the case for the urban poor who, over the course of the next 25 years, will become the majority of the world’s poor people. In this context, the identification of best practice in how cities are designed, built, managed and occupied will be a key factor in shaping the well-being of the poor. The conference has 3 main goals: To raise the awareness of policymakers and public about the need to protect poor people from the harm wrought by global climate change, particularly in Bangladesh. To deepen understanding of the ways in which climate change will impact on the lives of the urban poor and contribute to urban planning policies and governance structures. To identify policies and practices to effectively adapt low-income urban Bangladesh to climate change. The conference has 2 main audiences: Reflective practitioners who have a fundamental interest in designing, implementing or funding policies and programmes related to the adaptation of low-income urban areas to the effects of climate change, and who are contributing to knowledge creation. This may includes policymakers, managers, NGO and CBO workers, the staff of donor agencies, consultants and volunteers. Scholar practitioners who are engaged in applied research and action including social scientists, anthropologists, architects, engineers, environmentalists, hydrologists and urban planners. Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 01-28-2009
  • End: 01-28-2009.