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11 June 2018 – 13 June 2018
CfP International Conference
Milan, Italy
• Politecnico di Milano - AUIC School
• Abstract Submission Deadline: Dec. 10, 2017
Twenty years after the death of Aldo Rossi, Politecnico di Milano organizes an exhibition and a Call for papers for the Conference "Aldo Rossi. Perspectives from the world", dedicated to the Milanese master, who studied and taught at the Faculty of Architecture, with the aim of celebrating a fundamental figure of Italian and international architectural culture.
Translated into many languages, Rossi’s fundamental text "The Architecture of the City" (1966) soon became part of the reference scientific literature of the major international architecture schools, widening the debate on the urban issue, the relationship between city and architectural design, and the fundamental role of history, as determining topics.
In occasion of several conferences over the years, generations of scholars and academics all over the world had the opportunity to confront and to build original and up-to-date points of view on these topics with respect to their specific cultural spheres. In fact, from the exhibition Rational Architecture at the Triennale of Milan (1973), in which, as curator, he had called to confront themselves architects coming from different countries, opening the way to a new tendenza, Aldo Rossi revealed his particular inclination to look beyond national boundaries, with unprejudiced interest and curiosity.
Rossi’s attitude and solid theoretical thought about the analytical moment of knowledge as a necessary instrument for the architectural design has certainly enabled him over the years to work with freedom and rationality in the most diverse countries. Aldo Rossi’s architectural work bears reference to a solid corpus of theoretical and rational references without excluding the individual and biographical components. His thought and attitude towards the architectural design are proved not only in his theoretical writings published over the years but also in his architectures, fixed scenes for human life. Rossi conceived the architectural design as based on the understanding of architectures, chosen for their exemplarity, becoming part of a world of shared and recognizable references. To him design should be constantly challenged by reality, including architectures along with other forms of art and autobiographical elements of memory constructing continuous and diverse analogies.
The call aims at discussing the legacy of Aldo Rossi’s thought and work applied to geographic areas other than the Italian. Moreover, it aims to verify the topicality of Rossi’s work in relation to the new and complex urban dynamics worldwide, starting from the research and the recognition of still unexplored themes, with the aim of identifying new useful indications for the contemporary design.
This call is open to PhD students and researchers who obtained their doctoral degree over the last ten years, as well as to independent scholars max. 40 years old (born by January 1st, 2018). We welcome proposals including in-depth analysis of Rossi’s impact on the international arena beyond the national horizon.
The peer review will include 2 stages: abstract submission and, subsequently, full paper submission (subject to a double peer review process).
• Abstract submission procedure:
Abstract of no more than 500 words are due by 11:59 pm Italian time, December 10, 2017.
One or two images (jpg / tif, 72dpi) can be attached.
Abstracts must be uploaded on website ( in pdf format.
They should include: author’s details and contacts; affiliation (if applicable); a short CV (100 words maximum).
Abstracts must be clear and well written. The official language for submission is English.
Acceptance will be notified by January 14, 2018.
• Full papers submission procedure
Full papers are due by March 1, 2018 (11:59 pm pm Italian time).
They should not exceed 5000 words (including footnotes and bibliography) + a maximum of 4 images (jpg / tif, 300 dpi for a base of 15 cm) + related captions.
Authors should attach a letter assessing that images are cleared from publication rights.
Paper acceptance will be notified by March 29, 2018. For the final draft, please refer to the author guidelines.
• Submission of paper: Articles are to be uploaded on the following website: absolutely before December 10, 2017 (11:59 pm Italian time)
• File name: surname_name.doc (example: smith_john.doc)
• Paper Structure: Main text has to be written in Arial font, size 10, single-spaced, without breaks in the text. Authors are asked not to use customized text formats in order to ensure the uniform appearance of articles published for pre-print version.
1. AUTHOR'S NAME AND AFFILIATION (example: Martina Landsberger, Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
3. TEXT: English language 5000 words max (including notes), bibliography max. 800 words, word format file (*.doc) Arial font, size 10, single spaced
4. NOTES: Notes at the end of the article in Arial font, size 10, single-spaced, numbered from one (1,2,….) within the article
5. BIBLIOGRAPHY*: Arial font, size 10, single-spaced, references are given in alphabetical order at the end of the article. Reference is by type (Rossi, 1997) for a single author, or (Rossi et al., 1998) for several authors. Reference’s title is in Arial italic, size 10, single spaced.
1. Book: Kepes, Gyorgy, The new landscape, Chicago, P. Theobald, 1956.
2. Essay in the book: Mohlor, Ann, “Louis I. Kahn: talk with students”. In Architecture at Rice 26, Texas, Rice University, 1969.
3. Magazine and conference proceedings: Frampton, Kenneth, Louis Kahn and French Connection, in «Opposition», No 22, 1980. Pink, Olive M., “Spirit Ancestors in Northern Aranda Horde Country”, Oceania, Vol. IV, No 2, December 1933.
• Image: Images, maximum 4, must have at least 300 dpi in JPG format and without royalties. The length's minimum size is cm 15. All the images have to be named as follows: surname_name.jpg. Please return the copyright waiver signed and completed.
• Legend: The legend will appear at the end of the article, after the Notes. It need to be written in Arial font, size 10, without indent, single-spaced, after the title of the image they are related to.
Only the conference proceedings presented and discussed during the conference will be published. The publication will be afterwards. The submission deadline of the final text reviewed according to remarks and suggestions proposed, will be communicated directly to the participants.
Start here to submit a paper to this conference.
• Abstract submission (no more than 500 words): December 10, 2017, by 11:59 pm Italian time.
• Full papers submission (no more than 5000 words): March 1, 2018, 11:59 pm pm Italian time.
• Paper acceptance Notification: March 29, 2018.
• CfP Conference: ALDO ROSSI Perspectives from the World | 2018
• Guidelines for authors
• Guide for reviewers
Event schedule:
- Start: 06-11-2018
- End: 06-13-2018.
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The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
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Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
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