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14 June 2009 – 18 June 2009

Connecting Leaders for Local Action Now!

[i]ICLEI World Congress 2009[/i] 14-18 June Edmonton, Canada Share with and learn from the most advanced cities and minds in the field of sustainability! In Edmonton, Canada, from 14 to 18 June local government policy makers, city planners and mayors will meet with experts from business, academia and NGOs to exchange, learn and discuss the challenging developments that local governments will face in the future. Hundreds of participants from around the world will contribute to finding locally suitable solutions to rapidly move forward and accelerate local action for sustainability. Radical approaches are now needed, if we want to avoid the high costs of non-action! There are challenging developments ahead for local governments that will pose changing parameters for urban policy-making, planning and management in all areas of sustainability. Together, we can move beyond the mainstream and learn how to accelerate local governments- by finding solutions tailored to the realities and challenges that local governments face world-wide. Renowned international experts have already confirmed their participation! ICLEI Founder and urban strategy expert Jeb Brugmann will present key facts and messages from his book “Welcome to the Urban Revolution”. Co-Creator of the concept of the Ecological Footprint and Executive Director of the Global Footprint Network, Mathis Wackernagel , will provoke participants by combining challenging urban scenarios affecting our cities. The banker Pavan Sukhdev from the UNEP Finance Initiative will explain why we must act faster and more radically. The programme will also showcase leading and visionary examples in sustainable development. Cities will share activities over the past years, evaluate progress, transfer information and exchange ideas. Major projects, relevant themes and joint initiatives will be highlighted. It will be a dynamic platform with reports, debates, mobile workshops, celebrations, and an exhibition. This is THE chance be part of a global group of cities that map out the path towards a sustainable future! Local governments, organisations and representatives of the media interested in participating in this event are encouraged to register and learn more about the congress at: [b]Deadline for registration: april 15th, 2009[/b]

Event schedule:

  • Start: 06-14-2009
  • End: 06-18-2009.