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6 October 2008

Daily mobility in Catalonia

[i]Revista Papers Num. 48 [/i] published by IERMB (The Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies) The works of the present edition of Papers are dedicated to the spreading and the analysis of the data of the Survey of Daily Mobility 2006 for each one of the seven territorial scopes of the Territorial Plan of Catalonia. This is the first occasion that is realised a mobility survey in all the Catalan territory, and this fact allows to analyze with much more territorial depth mobility in the different parts of Catalonia. The articles are the following: - Daily mobility in the Regió metropolitana de Barcelona, by Carme Miralles-Guasch and Laia Oliver-Frauca. - Daily mobility in the Comarques Gironines, by Obdúlia Gutiérrez. - Daily mobility in Camp de Tarragona, by Joan Alberich González. - Daily mobility in Terres de l'Ebre, by Daniel Polo. - Daily mobility in the Comarques Centrals, by Àngel Cebollada and Pilar Riera - Daily mobility in the Terres de Ponent, by Carme Bellet and Josep M. Llop - Daily mobility in Alt Pirineu i Aran, by Antoni F. Tulla and Marta Pallarès-Blanch In the following link you will download full texts (original in Catalan, as well as its version in English):

Event schedule:

  • Start: 10-06-2008
  • End: 10-06-2008.