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12 November 2014 – 15 November 2014
EURAU 2014: "Composite Cities" European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design
Istanbul, Turkey
• Istanbul Technical University
The EURAU project was initiated in 2004 and it launched the proposal of an annual symposium for researchers dealing with Research in Architecture and Urbanism. The various editions were organized by different European schools of Architecture with a coordinated effort by a broad group of university professors and researchers. The purpose of this initiative is to enable the confrontation between researchers concerned with the Architecture and the City on the European scene.The acronym EURAU describes the congregation of the objectives which motivate these events: EU for “European Union”, R for “Research”, A for “Architecture” and U for “Urbanism”.The seventh edition is going to be held in 2014 at the Faculty of Architecture of Istanbul Technical University.
Stemming from the urge to critically discuss the ‘today and tomorrow’ of cities worldwide, the conference is structured around the theme: “composite cities”. For the past few decades, dwellers of many inner city geographies have been trying to comprehend and adjust to the particular new notion of ‘the city’ that is an inevitable outcome of high velocity globalization.
Cities are transforming in a multitude of levels from local to global and consequently new models of urbanism are invented - imported - reinterpreted, new actors of decision - making - intervention - mediation - initiation are introduced, and new modes of spatiality are experienced each day.
The theme “composite cities” refers to this complexity of our cities; ever increasing through new urban emergences adding up to the existing urban environment and continuously redefining our urban experience. Thus the conference aims to enable a medium to discuss the complex relationship between urban form and urban experience through the composite character of our cities explained hereby in four topics-possible states of composite being: hybrid city, morphed city, fragmented city and mutated city. The conference is expected to evolve around the question of “how?”s of architectural practice for the composite city. Hence, the essentials of architectural realities- scale, order, space, place, program, content, identity - will define the backbone of the discussions.
Different, though closely related, four explanatory topics are proposed to provoke ideas on the theme “composite cities”:
• Hybrid City
Hybrid city refers to urban conditions emerging through the interaction (crossbreeding, merger) of at least two politically, culturally or socially distinct entities. Whether occurred perchance or intentionally manipulated, the emergent urban condition -the perfect breed- generally brings along certain qualities to urban space and experience that neither of the original entities does alone. Pursuing hybrid urban emergences, “hybrid city” aims to explore different hybridization processes and their contribution to urban experience discussing if it does worth the trouble.
• Morphed City
The transformation of city space in adapting to the latest, city-based configuration of the world economy has been occurring since 1970s. Today, within the discourse of urban entrepreneurship, cities are subject to a diverse range and multiple scales of interventions where the quintessential paradox of making and breaking city space is at the core of the discussion. Questioning the motives and mechanisms behind the urban transformation processes, “morphed city” asks: How can variety be promoted? Is there a way to overcome the enforcement of urban transformation on social reconfiguration of our cities, reinforcing social discrimination? Are there any examples of (or is it possible to have) a common ground where the interests of citizens, institutions and professionals meet? Can you hear the citizen claiming his right to the city?
• Fragmented City
Fragmented city refers to urban conditions and experience emerging as a reflection of social disintegration resulting from significant cultural, economic, political, occupational etc. differentiation within the society. From immigrant or illegal communities occupying their own urban territories to gated communities and to certain sectorial agglomerations, there is an ongoing tendency to create fragments of space, as homogenous patches within the heterogeneity of urban space. Pursuing various forms of fragmentation occurring through different social mechanisms throughout the urban world, “fragmented city” aims to discuss what has been brought up to the city space and urban experience by each of those fragments either as integrated pieces of or cut offs from the urban tissue. It is also aimed to explore strategies in blending each individual entity of urban life into that one, heterogeneous whole again.
• Mutated City
Cities are prone to change under a multitude of forces ranging from economic, political, social factors to wars and natural phenomena as earthquakes, tsunamis and hurricanes. Representing the common unpredictable and creative mechanisms of urban change, mutation is taken as a generator of transformation in the urban form and urban life through operations as alteration, deletion, rearrangement, insertion etc. “Mutated city” aims to discover and discuss such emergent urban conditions putting forward the forces-conscious or unconscious stimulators- and mechanisms behind those processes and their present or projected effects on urban existence.
Including these four influencing topics, the conference will be organized under three sessions:
T1. Confronting the composite city
How do we interpret the complex realities of the composite city? How do we document the relevant interpretations?
T2. Learning from the composite city
How do we, as the ones being continuously exposed to this ever increasing complexity of urban environment, develop strategies/tactics in order to –not cope but- live with it? How does urbanism and architecture respond to this in theory? Are there new tools and methodologies?
T3. Articulating the composite city
How does architectural practice correspond to this new urban reality? How do we actually get physical with the composite city managing while recognizing its complexity?
• Caroline Bos | Co-founder of UN-Studio
• Murat Güvenç | Director of Urban Studies Centre, Istanbul Sehir University
• Murat Tabanlıoğlu | Partner at Tabanlıoğlu Architects
• Murat Germen | Artist-Photographer
• Abdi Güzer
• Ali Cengizkan
• Arda İnceoğlu
• Arzu Erdem
• Carmine Piscopo...
To see the full list of the scientific committee, go to the conference website
Gülsün Sağlamer • Arzu Erdem • Arda İnceoğlu • Pelin Dursun • Fatma Erkök • Hüseyin Kahvecioğlu • Nurbin Paker • Meltem Aksoy • Zeynep Ataş • Meltem Baslo • Ozan Avcı • Nebile Korucu Gümüşoğlu
Abstract Submission | April 30, 2014
Notification of Acceptance | May 30, 2014
Early Bird Registration| July 15, 2014
Full Paper Submission | July 31, 2014
Conference | November 12-15, 2014
Abstracts should be submitted electronically through this webpage no later than April 30, 2014. They should be 300-500 words long, with 3-5 keywords. Please indicate to which of four subthemes and three sessions it corresponds.
Academics | €300
Early Bird Registration | €250
Students | €150
Accompanying Person | €150 [Lunch & Gala Dinner]
W: EURAU 2014 Composite Cities website
E: EURAU 2014 contact link
Event schedule:
- Start: 11-12-2014
- End: 11-15-2014.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
Web site realized by ChannelWeb & Planum Association | Powered by BEdita 3