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19 July 2011
EMU European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism Strategies and Design for cities and territories
The program is conducted by four universities:
UPC Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
TUD Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
KUL Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
IUAV Università IUAV di Venezia, Venezia, Italy
The European Postgraduate Masters in Urbanism (EMU) is a joint program that aims to produce highly qualified, university trained urban designers, physical planners and researchers. The EMU program brings together the strenghts and richness of different design approaches and methods, and the long traditions and experiences in urban planning and design of each of the participating universities.The master course is design oriented and affirms the role of design in the knowledge process, while integrating different levels of scale. Learning by doing, research by design, and the project as knowledge producer constitute the key concerns and standpoints of this European postgraduate master’s degree.
The consortium offers a two-year postgraduate master programme (120 ECTS), consisting of three core modules (30 credits/semester) and one module for a final research / design project (30 credits). Course participants must fullfill a minimum of two semesters at their host institution (the final/thesis semester must be completed at the host institution). A minimum of one semester or a maximum of two semesters should be completed at other institutions within the consortium.The courses are conducted in English, although Spanish will be used in UPC Barcelona.
1st semester host university
2nd semester possible exchange semester
3rd semester possible exchange semester
Thesis semester host university
UPC Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
I. City Design: Urban Transformations (Fall Semester)
II. Regional Design: Territorial Transformations (Spring Semester)
KUL Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
I. Title semester 1 - to be defined
II. Title semester 2 - - to be defined
TUD Delft University of Technology
I. The Networked City Region Fall
II. Constructing Urban Form in the Delta Spring
IUAV Università IUAV di Venezia
I. Territories of dispersion: Situations, Scenarios (Fall Semester)
II. Cultural Landscapes: Strategies & Descriptions (Spring Semester)
The Joint European Postgraduate Master Programme in Urbanism is focused on a set of key issues (to be periodically reviewed and up-dated) which reflect contemporary challenges within cities and territories. The issues frame the design studios and provide the students with a structure to orient their individual educations tracks.
Territories of Dispersion
Deals with the extended use of the territory, including new ways of working and living. New type of settlements, these territories need to rethink types and techniques of infrastructure.
Post-Industrial Sites
Investigates obsolete and marginal urban areas that provide new opportunities for urban restructuring. The territorial scale, the notion of ‘shrinking cities’ requires re-thinking of the notion of development.
Mobility and Network Cities
Focuses on innovations and development in technology and infrastructural systems which allow for the reconceptualization of cities – such as urban polycentric regions, new centralities, urban agglomerations, city clusters, airport cities, etc.
Cultural Landscapes
Deals with a number of issues, including conservation through transformation, planning based on revaluation of heritage resources and identity in relationship to globalisation.
The programme relies upon a series of steps in the design process common design approaches – the main operations through which research/design can be configured as knowledge producer:
• Research/design through Description
• Research/design through Conceptualization
• Research/design through Technical Interventions
• Research/design through Strategies and Scenarios
For further information on enrollment deadlines and procedures please contact directly your preferred hosting institution.
European Postgraduate Master in Urbanism
EMU Secretariat
Maura Slootmaekers
Department of Architecture, Urbanism and Planning
Kasteelpark Arenberg 51
3001 Heverlee/Leuven
Tel: 0032.016.321391
Fax: 0032.016.321981
Web site:
Info UPC Barcellona
Info TU Delft
Info KUL Leuven
Info IUAV Venice

The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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