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25 September 2008 – 27 September 2008

Fifth European Landscape Biennial

25, 26 and 27 September 2008 Barcelona It is organized by the Official College of Architects of Catalonia, the Master’s Degree in Landscape Architecture of the Technical University of Catalonia [UPC], the Association of Friends of UPC and Departament de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques [Department of Territorial Affairs and Public Works]. For the 5th European Landscape Biennial of Barcelona we propose a more complex structure, in order to develop and diversify the contents of the symposium. The Biennial will be held over three days and will involve conferences, presentations, round table debates and exhibitions. The first day of the symposium will feature presentations by the finalists of the Rosa Barba European Award of Landscape on their cutting-edge interventions in Europe. The second day will be dedicated to interdisciplinary debates between theoretical and Landscape designers and architects. Finally, the third day of the symposium will feature a discussion to the reality of another territory of interest, in order to analyze and debate its development. This year, it will be about United States of America. Participation No more than 10 student projects by school on subjects related to landscaping, urban and environmental design and planning. Documentation forms Maximum of 3 horizontal panels per project, presented in din A3 format, on both digital and thin paper format; these might include: - General drawing of site location - Drawing of context - Process of the project, sketches… - General plan of the project, sections, construction details… - Details of the project: images, model photos, photomontage, collage… All projects should contain the project description in english, maximum 250 words, both digital and thin paper format, to be included in the panels; with all the information about the main ideas and description of the project; including: - Title - Name of students - Name of tutors - Subject course - Year of development/ academic year - Department/ Program - University/ School However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide which student projects to include in the exhibition. Timing Participants should send the above mentioned documentation [b]by 20th of June 2008[/b]. Visit the officiali site:http//

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-25-2008
  • End: 09-27-2008.