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11 November 2007 – 17 November 2007

Form and Symmetry 2007: Art and Science

[i]6º National Congress, organized by SEMA [/i] Sociedad de Estudios Morfológicos de la Argentina and ISIS-Symmetry Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urban Studies, UBA, Buenos Aires, 11/17 November 2007 [i]The theme of the Congress [/i]"Form and Symmetry: Art and Science" promotes the dialogue among scientific disciplines and fields of art, with an emphasis on form and symmetry (proportion, balance, invariance, repetition, rhythm, harmony, etc.). We invite all members of SEMA and ISIS-Symmetry to submit papers but also to anyone concerned in the multiple relations between form and symmetry as well as researchers in related fields (history, art theory, philosophy, semiotics, linguistics, aesthetics, cognitive studies, information science, archeology, design, architecture, etc.). Official languages of the conference are Spanish and English. [b]Deadline [/b]for submission of abstracts for proceedings publication: [b]15 september, 2007[/b]. Abstracts can be written either in Spanish or in English. There is anabstract format template . Guidelines for authors are inside the templates. Abstracts will be attached as a Word file and sent to [ ] [/url] in the "Subject:" box you should write fysXXX, while XXX stand for the surname of the first author. The Word file should be named accordingly. Images should be sent in separate files according to the guidelines in the templates. For further information please check the Congress Official Site: If you have any questions about format or article submission, please write to: [][/url]

Event schedule:

  • Start: 11-11-2007
  • End: 11-17-2007.