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15 December 2006 – 31 May 2007

Greater Helsinki Vision 2050 - Helsinky

[i]International Ideas Competition[/i] 15th December 2006 – 31st May 2007 Competition launch 15 December 2006 Queries 16 February 2007 Answers to queries after 16 March 2007 Submission of entries 31 May 2007 Results December 2007 Greater Helsinki municipalities and State of Finland (Ministry of Environment) organize an open ideas competition for the future land use and spatial vision of Greater Helsinki. Region consists of the following municipalities: Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa, Kauniainen, Kerava, Tuusula, Järvenpää, Nurmijärvi, Mäntsälä, Pornainen, Hyvinkää, Kirkkonummi, Vihti and Sipoo, located in south of Finland. The organisers are expecting refreshing entries to participate the competition and vision the future Greater Helsinki 2050. The aim of the competition is to find innovative ideas for the future land use planning and develop sustainable strategies and concrete solutions for strengthening the status and competitiveness of Greater Helsinki as an attractive region to live and conduct business in. The competitors are expected to present their general vision for the Greater Helsinki in 2050 together with the detail study supporting it. Total of EUR 500 000 will be awarded as prizes and purchases. 1st EUR 160 000 2nd EUR 100 000 3rd EUR 80 000 Rest of the sum will be distributed so, that the minimum purchase prize is EUR 10 000. Visit the official website:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 12-15-2006
  • End: 05-31-2007.