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3 September 2007 – 8 September 2007

International Summer School - Italy

[i]1st edition[/i] 3rd- 8th september 2007 Ivrea The school’s opportune location in Ivrea comports important and varied stimuli: the possibility of immediate encounters with a quality of architecture and construction that is unparalleled in the Italian and International context, due to the presence of the rich heritage left to the city by the Olivetti company; the city’s welcoming attitude towards the original cultural debate arising from themes central to the school’s program; and sensitivity to themes of higher education and advanced research. Through laboratories, lectures and conferences, events, readings and visit itineraries, the summer school proposes to develop analyses, projects, strategies and policies that aim to provide suggestions and ideas for the transformation of the landscape of Ivrea and Canavese, springing from the originality of the learning experience in progress and, at the same time, with the goal of utilizing the case of Ivrea as a focal point for a more general elaboration. [b]Registration:[/b] The school is intended to promote exchanges between generations of planners and scholars on themes of the contemporary city. In this first year of life, the school will welcome a maximum number of 20 Italian and foreign university students who have frequented at least the first year of a specialized degree. The school is also open to doctoral students in architectural planning, urban planning, architectural history and conservation, architecture and urban planning history, environmental and cultural assets management and construction materials technology courses. Also eligible to register are those who already have professional experience in sectors that guarantee the critical tools necessary for participation in the school. [b]Admission procedure:[/b] In order to guarantee the quality of teaching the type of exchange necessary for the success of the laboratories, the number of students is limited to 20. All other factors being equal, precedence will be given to students registered in the architecture department proposing the summer school. [b]Applications must be sent by July 15th, 2007[/b] using the attached form, along with the following documentation: - a letter of recommendation from an instructor assessing the student's personal qualities and academic achievement as they relate to his or her ability to participate successfully in the course overseas - a letter of motivation - synthesis of university work (courses and seminars, exams passed, activities) - his or her curriculum vitae Applications lacking the required documents will not be considered. Missing documents will not be solicited. Late applications will only be considered if spaces remain available. Selected candidates will receive communication of selection by e-mail by July 25th, 2007. [b]Costs:[/b] Housing costs in Ivrea at the guest quarters of the City of Ivrea will be covered by the school. [b]Accreditation:[/b] At the end of the course, an attestation of participation in the summer school will be issued. Course attendance and evaluation of the critical essay and project developed will give students the right to 4 ECTS credits. For accreditation of the course within the student’s own plan of study, 100% attendance at lectures is required. [b]Location:[/b] Lectures will be held in Ivrea at the MaAM, Ivrea’s open-air museum of modern architecture. Laboratories will be held in the church of Santa Marta in Ivrea Conferences, events and readings will be held in various locations in the city of Ivrea, from the Conference Center of Hotel La Serra to open spaces pertaining to Olivetti constructions. [b]Committee of Trustees[/b] Prof. Pier Carlo Palermo, Milan Polytechnic Prof. Alessandro Balducci, Milan Polytechnic Arch. Alberto Redolfi, City of Ivrea Dr. Laura Olivetti, Adriano Olivetti Foundation For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-03-2007
  • End: 09-08-2007.