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10 September 2012 – 13 September 2012

48 ISOCARP Congress
Planning in a (hyper) dynamic urban context

Perm, Russia
DEADLINE: 15.07.2012
ISOCARP, International Society of City and Regional Planners

Planners are increasingly exposed to a hyper-dynamic context that tends to characterize socio-economic as well as ecological change in a highly interrelated, increasingly urban world. This requires a fast forward response towards eco-efficient, low-carbon, socially-inclusive solutions and lifestyles, maybe even transcending the ‘growth’ mode for a ‘quality’ mode of general development.
At this year’s ISOCARP congress we will gather experience of how planners should treat speed with caution, as there are dangers like prioritising economic aspects while marginalising social, cultural and ecological needs resulting in externalities that may ultimately reverse fast forward to fast backward. And we want to discuss how planners ought to embrace speed as it creates opportunities for positive change, wealth, potential for infrastructure and betterment for local communities. 

Visualizzazione ingrandita della mappa

The ISOCARP Congress will be organize along three tracks:
1. Fast forward - high speed urban change
The focus is on dynamic urban change: growth and decline; environmental and socio-political change; natural and human-made disasters. Alongside this main theme are two other significant themes.
2. Fast forward for planning in Russia
It explores the transformations taking place in Russian planning – the culture and practice of planning, the Russian planning system, and education for urban and regional planning.
3. International planners' Forum.
It includes any relevant topic of spatial planning and may include best practice cases, planning methods and theory. 

You can see the places you always wanted to visit in Russia on the way to Perm, and after the Congress. The Perm Congress offers delegates a great choice of technical and sightseeing tours:
Pre-Congress Technical Tours
• Perm City Centre walking tour | 10.09.2012
• Metropolitan planning tour of the city and hinterland | 10.09.2012
 Historic and traditional wooden architecture | 10.09.2012
Mid-Congress Tours for accompanying persons and delegates 
• Walking Tour City of Perm | 11.09.2012
• Whole-Day Tour to Khokhlovka | 12.09.2012
Post-Congress Tours
• Whole day tour to Kungur | 14.09.2012
• Three day planning tour of Moscow | 14-16.09.2012
• Five day planning tour of Moscow and the World Heritage City of Yaroslav | 17-18.09.2012

For more informations about the tours contact: 
Elena Chukaeva, Local Organising Committee

• Oscar Bragos, Argentina
• Jeffrey Featherstone, USA
• Zaklina Gligorijevic, Serbia
• Kavas Kapadia, India
• Peter Kibinda, Kenya
• Fedor Kudryavtsev, Russia
• Nadya Nilina, Russia/Netherlands
• Guy Voebergh, Belgium
• Kai Wang, China
• Nicole Wirz-Schneider, Switzerland

15.07.2012: Early-bird registration
From 10.09 to 13.09.2012: Core days of the Congress
14/16 September 2012 : Post-congress events and tours 

• ISOCARP Congress Website
• E-Mail:
• Mailing Address: P.O. Box 983 | 2501 CZ The Hague | The Netherlands
• Visiting Address: Laan van Meerdervoort 70 | 2517 AN The Hague | The Netherlands
• Phone: +3170.346.2654
 Fax: +3170.361.7909


Event schedule:

  • Start: 09-10-2012
  • End: 09-13-2012.