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5 January 2006 – 8 January 2006

Landscape and Liminality: Borders in Space and Time, Place and History

[i]Research Seminar and Doctoral Course organised by The Nordic Landscape Research Network.[/i] From 5/1/2006 to 8/1/2006 Utsjoki, Lapland Finland The Nordic Landscape Research Network is sponsering a combined research seminar and doctoral course on Landscape and Liminality: Borders in Space and Time, Place and History, which will be held at the Kevo (Geavvu) research station in Lapland, near the northernmost points of both the Finnish national territory and the European continent, amidst a borderland crisscrossed by ethnic, cultural and national boundaries, the seminar taking place during the darkest Polar night. Paper topics can be concerned with different frontiers and trans-boundary landscapes; spatial or temporal extremities, durations, change and seasonality. As this is a landscape of vast extent, on the edge of a cosmic night, the relation between sublime landscape and the subliminal begs for treatment – this is a landscape that tests the threshold of consciousness. The course has a twin format 1) that of a research seminar, where senior researchers, post-docs and invited lecturers, will present papers for discussion, with a mind toward eventual publication and 2) an advanced doctoral course where students will present papers that have been pre-circulated, and receive guidance from both the invited lectures and the course organizers from the Landscape Research Network. The speakers will include Tim Ingold, Kenneth R. Olwig, Yrjö Sepänmaa, Jouni Häkli, Maunu Häyrynen, Gregory Issachenko, Michael Jones, Hannes Palang, Jarkko Saarinen. The idea of the course is to give Ph.D. students experience in presenting their work in a professional academic setting. Publication will also be encouraged for student papers of suitable quality. Course credit for 5 ECTS points pass/fail will be given, a grade on the ECTS scale will be given upon request. In connection with the seminar, a day trip will be arranged to the River Teno (Teadnu, Tana elv) valley and the surrounding Sami Land, ending up to the Sami museum and cultural centre Siida in Inari (Anar). For further information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 01-05-2006
  • End: 01-08-2006.