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15 July 2008 – 15 September 2008

Multiplicity & Visual Identities II

[i]Call for participants and Research Fellows[/i] Zurich–Amsterdam–Geneva 2008–2009 From November 2008 until Summer 2009 Multiplicity & Visual Identities II will take place mainly in Zurich with some meetings in Amsterdam and Geneva. Seven colloquia in which you will meet colleagues, designers, developers, commissioners and experts from various fields. What will be in common is that everyone will address the contemporary question of identity, representation and communication in hybrid societies. See for more information in this website. If you have interest to participate please contact [][/url] Get involved! – Application until September 15, 2008. Information meeting in Zurich: Wednesday July 16, 18.00. Design2context (ZHdK), Hafnerstrasse 39, 8005 Zurich. Information meeting in Amsterdam: Wednesday July 23 Visit the official site:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 07-15-2008
  • End: 09-15-2008.