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7 December 2005
Competition staged by the City of Paris, with la Direction des Affaires Scolaires, des Familles et de la Petite Enfance, de la Jeunesse et des Sports, du Patrimoine et de l’Architecture de la Ville de Paris. Reconstruction of the school buildings Alain Fournier - 75014 Client : Ville de Paris / DASCO / DPA Architects invited : ARCHITECTURE STUDIO - Olivier CHASLIN - DAQUIN & FERRIERE Architecture (lauréat) - Atelier Anne DEMIANS Refurbishment of two buildings and construction of one new building for a nursery 75 avenue de Versailles, 74 quai Louis Blériot - 75016 Client : Ville de Paris / DFPE / DPA Architects invited : Guilhem EUSTACHE (lauréat) - Atelier Catherine FURET - Atelier ROBAIN GUIEYSSE - Odile SEYLER Refurbishment and extension of a building of the Cour du Maroc for the creation of a nursery 43, rue d’Aubervilliers - 75018 Client : Ville de Paris / DFPE / DPA Architects invited : AEDIFICARE Agnès Baulme & Bernard Rousseau - Gilles BARRÉ - Atelier LAB, Christophe Lab et Cécile Courtey - Nathalie RALLET & Marcellin Barthassat, architectes, collectif d'architectes BBBM (lauréats) Construction of a sport and associations facility 1, cité Traëger - 75018 Client : Ville de Paris / DJS / DPA Architects invited : Agence d’architecture A3+ - DEDALE, Roland BAROIN & Guy PIMIENTA - B+C & DELLOYE - Philippe LANKRY ARCHITECTURE (lauréat) Construction of a sport facility comprising a swimming pool, three sport halls and a fitness centre 4-12 rue Denoyez - 75020 Client : Ville de Paris / DJS / DPA Architects invited : Patrick BERGER (lauréat) - CANALE 3 - Atelier Jean CHABANNE - Jacques FERRIER Construction of a polyvalent school facility 32-34 rue Olivier Métra - 75020 Client : Ville de Paris / DASCO / DPA Architects invited : BRET & TRIVIDIC - Agence d’architecture Suzel BROUT (lauréat) - FLINT - Monique LABBÉ - Agence Eva SAMUEL Architecte et Associés For more information: 514 939 7026 or http://www.pavillon-arsenal.com/en/expositions/thema_modele.php?id_exposition=170
Event schedule:
- Start: 12-07-2005
- End: 12-07-2005.
The Journal of Urbanism
ISSN 1723-0993
owned by
Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica
published by
Planum Association
ISSN 1723-0993 | Registered at Court of Rome 4/12/2001, num. 514/2001
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