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23 February 2007 – 23 September 2007

Postdoctoral scholarship

[i]Observatoire SITQ du développement urbain et immobilier[/i] The Observatoire SITQ du développement urbain et immobilier, located at Université de Montréal, Canada, is offering a postdoctoral scholarship starting September 2007. The project proposal must be related to one of the three components of the Observatoire’s research program: 1. New metropolitan structures. 2. Urban districts and real estate. 3. Large real estate projects. To be eligible, the candidate must: 1. Have defended his or her thesis by the start of the internship and hold a PhD or an equivalent degree since less than 5 years. 2. Be able to communicate orally in French. 3. Not be employed elsewhere and work full time on its postdoctoral research, during the period concerned by the scholarship. Applications from outside Quebec and comparative analysis projects will be given priority, but all applications will be considered. The scientific committee, which will be responsible for examining the applications, can decide not to offer a scholarship, if the applications received are considered not acceptable. 1. [b]Deadline for application[/b]: March, 31 2007. 2. Announcement of results: May 2007. 3. The selected candidate will have to be settled in Montreal and ready to begin the project by September 2007. For more information:

Event schedule:

  • Start: 02-23-2007
  • End: 09-23-2007.